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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpOther Libraries › Send an image/video with Net library
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Send an image/video with Net library (Read 814 times)
Send an image/video with Net library
Nov 23rd, 2006, 2:25am
Hi all!

anyone knows how to send a compressed jpg with the Net library?

I've tried to send a byte array and everything works, but actually i'm sending uncompressed data...


SERVER code here:

import processing.net.*;


Server s;

boolean doSend;

boolean alreadySent;

int numSends;


PFont font;

PImage capturedImg;

//Byte arrays for each image channel RGB
byte [] bR,bG,bB,b;


void setup(){





 s=new Server(this,5000);

 font = loadFont("f.vlw");
 textFont(font, 8);
 text("SERVER", 10, 15);

 //Image load

 //Byte arrays for each image channel RGB
 bR=new byte[capturedImg.pixels.length];
 bG=new byte[capturedImg.pixels.length];
 bB=new byte[capturedImg.pixels.length];
 b=new byte[3*capturedImg.pixels.length];

 //Fill byte arrays
 for(int i=0;i<capturedImg.pixels.length;i++){
   //take RGB values of each pixel
   int r=int(red(capturedImg.pixels[i]));
   int g=int(green(capturedImg.pixels[i]));
   int b=int(blue(capturedImg.pixels[i]));
   //Put it in his array
 //Concat the arrays to get one single byte array to send over net
 byte [] bTemp=concat(bR,bG);
 //Use byte array to show img
 for(int x=0;x<width;x++){
   for(int y=0;y<height;y++){
     int loc=x+y*width;
     // bytes are from -128 to 127, this converts to 0 to 255
     int _r = b[loc] & 0xff;
     int _g = b[capturedImg.pixels.length+loc] & 0xff;
     int _b = b[2*capturedImg.pixels.length+loc] & 0xff;
     //Set the color of each pixel in output
     color c= color(_r,_g,_b);

 println("Image from byte array showed");


void draw(){

     println("Byte array sent");

// ServerEvent message is generated when a new client connects
// to an existing server.
void serverEvent(Server someServer, Client someClient) {
 text("SERVER", 10, 15);
 text("New client: " + someClient.ip(),10,25);


void keyPressed() {

void keyReleased() {


CLIENT code here:

import processing.net.*;


Client c;


PFont font;


void setup(){


 c=new Client(this,"",5000);

 font = loadFont("f.vlw");
 textFont(font, 8);


void draw(){


 text("CLIENT", 10, 15);
 text("Bytes available from server: "+c.available(),10,25);


// ClientEvent message is generated when the server
// sends a byte to an existing client.
void clientEvent(Client _c) {

 byte [] dataIn=c.readBytes();

   //Use byte array to show img
   for(int x=0;x<width;x++){
     for(int y=0;y<height;y++){
       int loc=x+y*width;
       // bytes are from -128 to 127, this converts to 0 to 255
       int _r = dataIn[loc] & 0xff;
       int _g = dataIn[40000+loc] & 0xff;
       int _b = dataIn[2*40000+loc] & 0xff;
       //Set the color of each pixel in output
       color c= color(_r,_g,_b);


void keyReleased() {
 else if(key=='c'){


first run server sketch and then client

an image named "img.jpg" must be in server "data" folder to work

create a font named "f.vlw" and put it in server "data" folder

give focus to server window and press 's' to send the image to the client

THANKS!!! :)

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