Junior Member
Posts: 66
UP vector: seems backwards
Nov 19th , 2006, 11:42pm
I'm trying to *really* understand homogeneous coords and affine transformations .. using the computer graphics book by F. S. Hill. As a start, I'm playing with the camera. I'm a bit confused by the up vector used by the camera .. it seems to be backwards! Here's a tiny experiment: Its a rectangle in the x-y plane with x,y,z axes, and a center sphere which can be turned on/off. I can change the up vector by hitting the x,y,z keys, and reverse the sign of the vector by hitting the - key. The vectors seem reversed: [0,0,1] has the z axis pointing down. But [0,0,-1] does what I want, aligning the camera with the positive Z axis. Is this the correct behavior? If so, can anybody explain why? Owen The code: float upX, upY, upZ; boolean drawSphere = true; void setup() { size(500, 500, P3D); textFont(loadFont("AmericanTypewriter-Bold-24.vlw")); frameRate(5); setCamera(0,0,1); } void draw() { background(200); if(drawSphere) { noStroke(); fill(200,0,0); sphere(50);//box(100, 100, 100); } stroke(0); fill(255, 255, 255, 200); rect(-200,-200,400,400); float len = width/2; line(0,0,0,len,0,0); line(0,0,0,0,len,0); line(0,0,0,0,0,len); fill(color(255,0,0)); text("X",len,0,0); text("Y",0,len,0); text("Z",0,0,len); } void setCamera(float upX, float upY, float upZ) { this.upX = upX; this.upY = upY; this.upZ = upZ; camera(width,width,width, 0,0,0, upX,upY,upZ); println("Up vector: ["+upX+" "+upY+" "+upZ+"] drawSphere="+drawSphere); printCamera(); } void keyPressed() { switch(key) { case 'x': setCamera(1,0,0); break; case 'y': setCamera(0,1,0); break; case 'z': setCamera(0,0,1); break; case 's': drawSphere = !drawSphere; break; case '-': setCamera(neg(upX),neg(upY),neg(upZ)); break; } } float neg(float f) { // avoid odd -0.0 float. return f==0f? f:-f; }