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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpPrograms › UP vector: seems backwards
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UP vector: seems backwards (Read 1214 times)
UP vector: seems backwards
Nov 19th, 2006, 11:42pm
I'm trying to *really* understand homogeneous coords and affine transformations .. using the computer graphics book by F. S. Hill.  As a start, I'm playing with the camera.

I'm a bit confused by the up vector used by the camera .. it seems to be backwards!

Here's a tiny experiment:

Its a rectangle in the x-y plane with x,y,z axes, and a center sphere which can be turned on/off.

I can change the up vector by hitting the x,y,z keys, and reverse the sign of the vector by hitting the - key.

The vectors seem reversed: [0,0,1] has the z axis pointing down.  But [0,0,-1] does what I want, aligning the camera with the positive Z axis.

Is this the correct behavior?  If so, can anybody explain why?


The code:
float upX, upY, upZ;
boolean drawSphere = true;

void setup() {
 size(500, 500, P3D);
void draw() {

 if(drawSphere) {
   sphere(50);//box(100, 100, 100);
 fill(255, 255, 255, 200);

 float len = width/2;
void setCamera(float upX, float upY, float upZ) {
 this.upX = upX; this.upY = upY; this.upZ = upZ;
 camera(width,width,width,  0,0,0,  upX,upY,upZ);
 println("Up vector: ["+upX+" "+upY+" "+upZ+"]  drawSphere="+drawSphere);
void keyPressed() {
 switch(key) {
 case 'x':
 case 'y':
 case 'z':
 case 's':
   drawSphere = !drawSphere;
 case '-':
float neg(float f) { // avoid odd -0.0 float.
 return f==0f? f:-f;
Re: UP vector: seems backwards
Reply #1 - Nov 20th, 2006, 12:34am
In processing, + is down.. 0,0,0 is the top left corner.

You can change this back to having + to be up with scale(1,-1,1) I think.
Re: UP vector: seems backwards
Reply #2 - Nov 20th, 2006, 1:03am
Thanks for the reply!

Yes, I'm aware of the screen orientation of Processing.

But from my reading of how the camera transform works, "up" is *relative* to the Processing axes, no matter what is up/down for them in the world coordinates.

Thus an up = [0,0,1] means to place the camera's up axis in the +z direction, i.e. the up vector is parallel to the Z axis in the world coordinates.

This would create a view with the +z axis being upwards on the screen, because both the camera's up vector and the world's z axis are parallel and in the same direction.

Re: UP vector: seems backwards
Reply #3 - Nov 20th, 2006, 11:24am
Yes, however "up" is down.. so the up axis you give to camera() says which axis is vertical on screen, not which is "up" on screen, it'll still be down for +ve numbers.
To get +z going upwards, you need to use 0,0,-1 (Though then +x and +x might be rotated too...)
Re: UP vector: seems backwards
Reply #4 - Nov 20th, 2006, 5:41pm
Just to clarify, or at least be complete, here's the reasoning I've been using:

I'm using the Computer Graphics using OpenGL book by F.S. Hill, using the eye,look,up -> U,V,N transform where eye and look are points (1 as 4th coord) while up is a vector (0 as 4th coord) relative to the world coordinates.  (And no, I don't expect anyone to have the book, I just want to clarify the issue as precisely as possible!).

The camera transform is then (ch 7, page 364):
N = eye - look (point subtraction yields a vector)
U = up cross N
V = N cross U
.. then normalize for n, u, v.

The drawings in the book are clear that up is a vector relative to the world coordinates.

The transform matrix from world to camera coords is then:
ux uy uz dx
vx vy vz dy
nx ny nz dz
0  0  0  1
.. where dx,dy,dz = -eye.u, -eye.v, -eye.n, where "." == "dot"
[Fine point: eye above is treating the eye point as a vector, really we're using the vector built by subtracting the point (0,0,0,1) from the eye point (eyex,eyey,eyez,1)]

Anyway, in all this, Prof Hill is VERY clear that up is indeed a vector relative to the world coords, thus [0 0 1] is parallel to and aligned with the z axis, thus should show a "z is up" image on the screen.

I'm going through this absurd level of detail because I want to get the homogeneous coords and affine transformations right so that the *rest* of my work will be right!  Screwing up the basics, as I apparently am, makes the rest futile, alas.


Re: UP vector: seems backwards
Reply #5 - Nov 20th, 2006, 6:02pm
The book is right, your code is right (in terms of the book)  it's processing that does things differently, and deep within itself, so the only way to make it act the same as the book is to use scale(1,1,-1) (or similar, depending on which axis you want to be vertical).

Internally everything will work as expected, it's just that come the time to actually show things on the screen, they'll be upside down because of the way processing works internally.
Re: UP vector: seems backwards
Reply #6 - Nov 20th, 2006, 6:07pm
Well, that's reassuring, I thought I was loosing it!

I guess I'll just give up on trying to the camera in the opengl way .. and see if I can figure out the processing way.


Re: UP vector: seems backwards
Reply #7 - Nov 20th, 2006, 10:11pm
opengl coordinates start with 0,0 in the lower-lefthand corner of the screen. java and others have 0,0 in the upper-left. we opted for 0,0 in the upper-left rather than lower-right, because we felt that it was the most natural. as a result, the y will be flipped from code that is adapted from opengl (or postscript, or other systems that have their coordinates increasing from the bottom of the screen).
Re: UP vector: seems backwards
Reply #8 - Nov 20th, 2006, 11:20pm
Having had a quick look around the PGraphicsOpenGL source, I think there is a nice quick fix:

import javax.media.opengl.*;

void setup()
// rest of normal code..
Re: UP vector: seems backwards
Reply #9 - Nov 21st, 2006, 5:47pm
fry wrote on Nov 20th, 2006, 10:11pm:
opengl coordinates start with 0,0 in the lower-lefthand corner of the screen. java and others have 0,0 in the upper-left. we opted for 0,0 in the upper-left rather than lower-right, because we felt that it was the most natural. as a result, the y will be flipped from code that is adapted from opengl (or postscript, or other systems that have their coordinates increasing from the bottom of the screen).

Thanks for the reply.  I'm aware of the left-handed, y is down world coords.  But from my reading of the camera or view transforms, they are *independent* of the particular world axes .. they are *relative* to them.

So my next question is how to proceed!  My initial goal is to have a camera class that can specify any axis as UP, and provide simple navigation relative to that initial orientation.

OCD, though very nice, does not really provide that as far as I can tell.  There are operations relative to specific axes, for example.  In addition, I need access to the U,V,N axes for other purposes like billboarding.  I'd also like to make the camera scriptable .. letting it fly along a path.

- Can I use the U,V,N vectors but with a simple tweak like negating one of them
- If so, can I use the PMatrix class to set the g.camera directly to the u,v,n,eye matrix From reading the code, I think I also have to manage g.cameraInv as well, right
- Is all this fighting Processing's central graphics model, and I would be better off using beginCamera/endCamera/camera

Sorry for all the bother!  I hate to look the gift horse in the mouth!  The reason for this deep plunge is that our team is starting to use more sophisticated modeling, and we're running into apparent anomalies.  Things like billboarding failing to work if there is a model transform in effect, and camera management not working as expected.


Re: UP vector: seems backwards
Reply #10 - Nov 21st, 2006, 5:51pm
Having had a quick look around the PGraphicsOpenGL source, I think there is a nice quick fix:

import javax.media.opengl.*;

void setup()
// rest of normal code..

Thanks for the pointer!  I hadn't thought of looking at the opengl code.  Although, for now, I'm using P3D primarily.

I've downloaded the code source too, and am reading it to try to understand the system better.  What a great tool, sure glad its available.

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