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Neural Network (Read 1798 times)
Neural Network
Nov 10th, 2006, 11:37pm
Hello folks,

I've been working on some Neural Network Processing/Java examples.  I recently built a simple multi-layered network, two inputs, one hidden layer, and one output that solves XOR.   It works most of the time, but sometimes get stuck trying to solve for optimal weights.  With 4 neurons in the hidden layer (instead of 2), it seems to work perfectly (as far as I can tell).

If any of you neural network masters are curious, take a look. . . perhaps I missed something in my implementation?

Re: Neural Network
Reply #1 - Nov 11th, 2006, 5:07pm
Some guy called Patol has a BPN you might try instead of yours to act as control data, seeing as it can solve XOR. It's a pity the XOR code is missing but the BPN is there and it's quite small reading.


Interestingly he doesn't use classes at all. Just a bunch of arrays. An interesting approach, does one need to wrap everything in an object Is it really Christmas yet

Regarding one of your comments on layers. I read somewhere that you're not going to get any noticeable improvement from using more layers.

Unfortunately I've yet to start work on the BPN library, and I never tackled XOR. I've a list of NN related links with my paper but nothing concrete.
Re: Neural Network
Reply #2 - Nov 13th, 2006, 5:18pm
Thanks for all these links!  I'll check it out.  

Yes, neural networks seem to lend themselves well to a library since they are nice little modular systems of connected parts.  I could imagine it working something like:


// 3 inputs, 1 hidden layer, 2 outputs
NeuralNetwork nn = new NeuralNetwork(3,1,2);

float inputs[] = {1,1,1};
float outputs[] = {0,1};

float inputs2[] = {1,1,1};
float[] outputs2 = nn.guess(inputs2);

Hmmmm. . .maybe I'll have to set this up!

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