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JSON in Processing (Read 18090 times)
JSON in Processing
Nov 9th, 2006, 8:46pm
Hi.  I've just started getting into processing and am really enjoying it -- great work!  

I'm working on a project that uses data in JSON format  (www.json.org).  It took me a while to get it going in processing, so I thought I'd post what I did here.  If there's a better way (which undoubtedly there is!), please let me know.

Andrew Odewahn

Here are the steps I took (on Windows):

1.  Download http://www.json.org/java/json.zip from json.org.  Save it in a some directory, which I'll call %DOWNLOAD_HOME%.

2.  Unzip it.  Be sure you preserve the archive's directory structure (/org/json/) when you unzip the file.  

3.  Change directory into %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\org\json

4.  Compile the files by running “javac *.java”.  At least, this worked for me.  There is no build.xml or anything, and it just seemed to compile into classes nicely.

5.  CD back into %DOWNLOAD_HOME%

6.  Create a jar file called json.jar.  The syntax is something like:

     jar -cvf json.jar org\json\*.class

7.  To use the library, use "Sketh -> Add File" to add the json.jar file into your project.  

Here are links to a sample JSON data file (basic time series data on Ruby and Python) and code to process it:



JSON in Processing -- Mac
Reply #1 - Sep 10th, 2007, 10:08pm
Following these instructions on an Intel Mac (OS X 10.4) got me a completely functional JSON setup in a couple of minutes. Thanks for the detailed step-by-step!
Re: JSON in Processing
Reply #2 - Sep 11th, 2007, 1:59pm
cool, thanks for posting.

a few notes about your code that can be simplified too:

1) the pullJSON() method can be simplified significantly:

JSONObject pullJSON(String targetURL) {
String[] lines = loadStrings(targetURL);
return new JSONObject(join(lines, ""));

2) and since you're connecting points, beginShape() is easier to use than line(), and you won't have to keep track of the previous points:

float tt = 126 * i+1/4.0;
for (int j=0; j < d.length(); j++) {
JSONObject obs = d.getJSONObject(j);
float y = (float) obs.getDouble("value");
float x = (float) obs.getDouble("pctOfRange");
//Set the colors and draw the lines
float x1 = x * width;
float y1 = (1-pctOfRange(y))*height;
vertex(x1, y1);

3) you can also use map() for the y1 value, instead of pctOfRange():

float y1 = map(y, minY, maxY, height, 0);

thanks again!

(edited for intelligibility)
JSON: Simple Example
Reply #3 - Sep 11th, 2007, 11:33pm
Here's a simpler starting point, pulling JSON data from a file and printing it out:


/* "census_json.txt" contains:
    { "Location": "home", "People": "4" },
    { "Location": "work", "People": "270" }

import org.json.*;

// Pull data from a JSON source document (in data folder or from URL)
try {
 JSONObject censusData = new JSONObject(join(loadStrings("census_json.txt"), ""));
 JSONArray entries = censusData.getJSONArray("Census");
 for (int i = 0; i < entries.length(); i++) {
   JSONObject entry = entries.getJSONObject(i);
   println("There are " + entry.getInt("People") + " people at my " + entry.getString("Location"));
catch (JSONException e) {
 println (e.toString());

/* Should print:
There are 4 people at my home
There are 270 people at my work

If you're working with this JSON package, you will likely find the javadocs at http://www.json.org/javadoc/org/json/package-tree.html very useful, particularly for the methods offered by JSONObject and JSONArray.
JSON: Using Comma-Delimited Data
Reply #4 - Sep 11th, 2007, 11:41pm
The CDL class in this JSON package incidentally makes it easy to import and use comma-delimited data. Here's a variant of my example above:


/* "census_comma_delimited.txt" contains:

import org.json.*;

// Pull data from a comma-delimited source document (in data folder or from URL)
try {
 CDL tempCDL = new CDL();
 JSONArray entries = tempCDL.toJSONArray(join(loadStrings("census_comma_delimited.txt"), "\n"));
 for (int i = 0; i < entries.length(); i++) {
   JSONObject entry = entries.getJSONObject(i);
   println("There are " + entry.getInt("People") + " people at my " + entry.getString("Location"));
catch (JSONException e) {
 println (e.toString());

/* Should print:
There are 4 people at my home
There are 270 people at my work
Re: JSON in Processing
Reply #5 - Oct 5th, 2007, 1:08am
Thanks so much for posting how you integrated JSON with Processing.  I have been struggling to do this myself, and I stumbled across your year-old posting.  It was exactly what I was looking for!

thanks again,

Odewahn wrote on Nov 9th, 2006, 8:46pm:
I'm working on a project that uses data in JSON format  (www.json.org).  It took me a while to get it going in processing, so I thought I'd post what I did here.

Andrew Odewahn

Re: JSON in Processing
Reply #6 - Nov 22nd, 2008, 10:31am
Thank you guys for the information on JSON. It just saved me a lot of work and research!
Re: JSON in Processing
Reply #7 - Feb 5th, 2009, 9:13pm
Great thread, thanks!
Re: JSON: Using Comma-Delimited Data
Reply #8 - Feb 9th, 2009, 12:31pm

I´m trying unsuccesfully to implement json on mac osx 10.5. It returns the following error:

"The type org.json.JSONTokener cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files"


void setup() {
try {
URL url = new URL("http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/search/web?v=1.0&q=Hamburg%20Berlin");
URLConnection connection = url.openConnection();
connection.addRequestProperty("Referer", "http://bliz.btk-fh.de");

String line;
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream()));
while((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {

JSONObject json = new JSONObject(builder.toString());
//println(json + "\n\n");
int resultCount = json.getJSONObject("responseData").getJSONObject("cursor").getInt("estimatedResultCount");
println("resultCount=" + resultCount);
catch (Exception e) {
println("Error: " + e.toString());

I think the error has something to do with my self-compiled json.jar. Perhaps someone working on mac osx could send me a link to their working version?

Best regards,
Re: JSON in Processing
Reply #9 - Feb 9th, 2009, 4:28pm
mfg: I posted the two OS X versions I've used -- one for Java 1.4 and one for 1.5, it will depend on your update status -- to a server:
Re: JSON in Processing
Reply #10 - Feb 11th, 2009, 1:21am
mfg: the following code works for me

// Functions to retrieve data from google and yahoo
void getGoogleData()
 try {
       // Send data
       URL url = new URL("http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/search/web?v=1.0&q=link:www.thename.com");
       //URL url = new URL("http","ajax.googleapis.com","");
       URLConnection u = url.openConnection();
       u.setRequestProperty("Referer", "http://www.my-ajax-site.com");
       BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(url.openStream()));
       String inputLine;
       StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();

while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null)


       JSONObject json = new JSONObject(builder.toString());
       int resultCount = json.getJSONObject("responseData").getJSONObject("cursor").getInt("estimatedResu
       println("resultCount=" + resultCount);

 } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
 } catch (IOException e) {               // openConnection() failed
 } catch (JSONException e) {               // openConnection() failed
Re: JSON in Processing
Reply #11 - May 20th, 2009, 3:33am
Just one question, is it possible to compile the json classes in a way that they work as well on windows and mac? I've compiled a version on windows and i get a error when i want to run the app on mac.
Any suggestions are welcome
Re: JSON in Processing
Reply #12 - May 20th, 2009, 4:06am
steve, it should work out of the box, I don't see a Json library using native code...
Reporting what error you have might help...
Re: JSON in Processing
Reply #13 - May 20th, 2009, 9:55am
Steve: My best guess would be a difference in Java versions between your PC and Mac.  As PhiLho says, an error message might help diagnose.
Re: JSON in Processing
Reply #14 - Jun 4th, 2009, 3:28am
This thread was quite helpful for getting started, but I'm currently struggling to pull the data from a JSON feed of the following format:


"group": {"slug": "recent-activity", "entries": [
"unique_id": "http://delicious.com/url/b91962bd93dbb86863323b410e9a1a60#cmeinke",
"title": "The Nature of Code. Chapter 1: Vectors",
"raw_content": "Draft chapter one of upcoming book &quot;The Nature of Code&quot; by Daniel Shiffman",
"url": "http://www.scribd.com/doc/15888334/The-Nature-of-Code-Chapter-1-Vectors",
"raw_title": "The Nature of Code. Chapter 1: Vectors",
"feed_id": 693,
"content": "Draft chapter one of upcoming book &quot;The Nature of Code&quot; by Daniel Shiffman",
"published_at": "2009-06-03T10:59:38Z"
}, ...

source: http://feedstitch.com/cmeinke/recent-activity.json


public class JsonTest01 extends PApplet{

public void setup(){

try {
JSONObject activityData = new JSONObject(join(loadStrings("recent-activity.json"), ""));
JSONArray entries = activityData.getJSONArray("entries");
for (int i = 0; i < entries.length(); i++) {
  JSONObject entry = entries.getJSONObject(i);
  println("Entry content:" + entry.getInt("feed_id") + " : " + entry.getString("title"));
catch (JSONException e) {
println (e.toString());



I'm currently trying to fetch the data with getJSONArray() but getting the following error:

org.json.JSONException: JSONObject["entries"] not found.

I broke down the structure of the JSON feed provided by FeedStitch and realized that if I strip it down to the "entries" array everything is working as expected.


// original structure
"group": {
"slug": "YourFeedSlug",

"entries": [
"unique_id": "",
"title": "", "raw_content": "",
"url": "",
"raw_title": "",
"feed_id": int,
"content": "",
"published_at": ""
}, ...

"title": "YourFeedTitle", "description": null

// stripped down to "entries" array

"entries": [
"unique_id": "",
"title": "", "raw_content": "",

Now I'm looking for a way to get around the group and meta information (slug, title, ...) to keep things dynamic. Any ideas or suggestions


Finally got the object stucture of JSON. Jer's post: Processing, JSON & The New York Times helped understanding how to fetch objects located within other objects.

Sorry fro spamming this thread. :|
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