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IndexDiscussionExhibition › MusicRainbow
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MusicRainbow (Read 661 times)
Nov 2nd, 2006, 10:54am

I've implemented a user interface to discover artists: http://staff.aist.go.jp/elias.pampalk/MusicRainbow.

The interface uses OpenGL and runs fast enough on any machine I've tried so far.

The necessary data (artist similarity etc.) is precomputed using Matlab and passed on to processing in text files.

I started the development in the processing development environment (PDE) but moved to Eclipse later on (which was kind of difficult, but thanks to this forum I found all the information I needed). I still use the PDE to quickly try out code snippets :-)

For most of the demonstration video I used the MovieMaker library by Daniel Shiffman.

I can definitely recommend using processing for anything similar! Currently I'm using processing to build another user interface :-)

We published the results in:
Elias Pampalk and Masataka Goto, "MusicRainbow: A New User Interface to Discover Artists Using Audio-based Similarity and Web-based Labeling", in the Proceedings of the ISMIR International Conference for Music Information Retrieval, 2006.

Thanks to everyone who have made processing such a great development environment!

- Elias
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