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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpPrograms › Beginner: How to make a 3D graph visualization
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Beginner: How to make a 3D graph visualization ? (Read 4174 times)
Beginner: How to make a 3D graph visualization ?
Oct 28th, 2006, 3:24am

I am currently working through the processing examples to learn more.

My ultimate goal is to write a program that visualizes a 3D graph (vertex = ball, edges = lines, rotateable!) for which I provide the cartesian coordinates.

1. Do you know a good example which already exists which basically does the same...where I could learn ?

2. There is OpenGL (Jogl) and some pseudo 3D mode in processing - am I correct? Which should I use for the described problem? What is the difference ?

3. I believe I wouldn't like using Jogl - or can you switch between pseudo and real 3D ?

Thanks for your help,
Re: Beginner: How to make a 3D graph visualization
Reply #1 - Oct 28th, 2006, 2:32pm
the java graphlayout example can be adapted to 3D:

however, you'll also need to adapt it for use in processing, meaning that all the AWT stuff (using paint() and Graphics, and drawLine() and all that) will have to be replaced with processing syntax.

as for 3D, i'm not sure what you mean by "pseudo" 3D.. all 3D on computers is pseudo when screens are two dimensional surfaces, but processing's 3D is as "real" a 3D as you get with software. it's not the sort of fake 3D that people do with flash, if that's what you mean.

to use 3D, see the large set of 3D examples included with the software. File -> Sketchbook -> Examples -> 3D-Xxxxx

there are two modes of 3D, called P3D and OPENGL. the syntax is the same for both, but one is entirely software based and the other relies on JOGL.
Re: Beginner: How to make a 3D graph visualization
Reply #2 - Oct 29th, 2006, 5:51am
Actually the question is not about the graph itself - but perhaps preexisting processing code, that allows everything in 3D best.
Re: Beginner: How to make a 3D graph visualization
Reply #3 - Apr 27th, 2008, 9:35pm
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