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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpSound,  Music Libraries › Sound within Processing
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Sound within Processing (Read 1772 times)
Sound within Processing
Oct 7th, 2006, 8:25pm
I was just wondering if and when we could expect sound support back within processing (I realise previous releases included the PSound function) . As a processing user with only a small amount of knowledge it would be really helpful to have a built in sound library that is as easy to use and as intuitive as many of the other processing functions.

Failing this does anybody have any advice on how to find nd use the externally available sound libraries. At this moment I am only needing to trigger sound playback when the user interacts with my app. For example trigger footstep sounds if an animated sprite is moving.

Many Thanks

Re: Sound within Processing
Reply #1 - Oct 19th, 2006, 11:04pm
you might still use any of the java library classes dealing with sound (see e.g. http://www.jsresources.org/ for detailed information). but given your background you would propably be better off to resort to the Ess library (see processing's library page).
Re: Sound within Processing
Reply #2 - Oct 20th, 2006, 6:22am
PSound will not be returning for the forseeable future. From revisions.txt:

+ PSound has been removed. Getting sound to work with Java is a total
 headache, and therefore something better left to a library. The
 Sonia and Ess libraries will both provide better audio support.
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