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Processing 0118 (Read 1150 times)
Processing 0118
Oct 2nd, 2006, 4:22am
someday, we'll charge $999 for processing and we'll have a bunch of developers and a big QA team and... and...

...and we'll still have problems with last minute issues when we do a release.

ABOUT REV 0118 - 1 October 2006

This release fixes two major bugs that are minor fixes.

1. Repairs problems with exported applets that use the OpenGL library.

2. Fixes an issue with size(w, h, PDF, "blah.pdf");

This version was re-released after the PDF bug was found in the midst
of posting the OpenGL fix.

If this is the first release you're using since 0115 or earlier,
please read the section below that contains the release notes for 0116.

(edit: re-released promptly after posting)
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