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IndexDiscussionExhibition › "Interferences" at Caixaforum, Barcelona
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"Interferences" at Caixaforum, Barcelona (Read 613 times)
"Interferences" at Caixaforum, Barcelona
Sep 29th, 2006, 8:05pm

I am one of the two authors of "Interferences", an artistic installation whose software is based on a simple artificial life simulation and is written in Processing.

Interferences is currently being exposed at Caixaforum, Barcelona, untill October 1st 2006, within the Digital Art Expo of the artist group MAD04 we belong to. The expo is in the "Espai0" hall of Caixaforum.

The installation consists of a back projection on a screen which is approximately 2 meters wide. What you would see on the screen is the representation of a system made of many "cells", each cell implementing the same behaviour algorithm. Cells live, reproduce themselves and die.

The peculiarity of the work is that it is sensible to electromagnetic radiations emitted by mobile phones. I mean "real" (not simulated) mobile phones of the visitors. If a visitor gets near to the screen with a mobile phone communicating, it causes the represented cells to "mutate", thus changing their aspect and the parameters of their behaviour.

Radiation intensity is detected in various points of the space so that the visitor may move his/her phone and provoke mutations in different areas of the screen.

The image is not purely generative: cells are not represented by mere geometrical objects, they use fragments of digital photos.

More information and a few photos can be found at


Matteo Sisti Sette  &  Maribel Pozo Ruiz

P.S.: sorry for re-posting but after the "board switcheroo" this message had gone far behind its actual chronological position - however I removed the old one.
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