i'm not a programmer so please don't make to complicated explanation

I just want to ask some question, i would like to know if we can reproduce the following picture and animation within processing.
Image Savant is a fine art studio located in Hollywood, California, owned and operated by me, Richard "dr." Baily. My primary focus is digital fx animation, but occasionally I compose music, paint, and write.
SPORE is an ongoing software/aesthetic development project that has grown out of a proprietary ultra-high speed particle renderer which runs on Irix, Linux, and OSX. All the images on page 1 and 2 are stills from animations, and some of these stills are constructed with over 1 billion particles.
Ultimately, the goal is to build a living system that will breed and evolve designs and animations that I would never have dreamed of, and could not produce by any other means.
I have assembled two galleries that illustrate the current state of these new "genetic" experiments. The renderings are fairly low-rezz and grainy, but I believe that you will be as fascinated by these pictures as I am. Examples of some of these new image classes can be found here: