YaBB Newbies
Posts: 2
Mar 10th , 2006, 11:57pm
Hi all, I got this problem with walking in 3D: import processing.opengl.*; float a=0; int f=-1600; float Y=0; float s=512; float mx=512; float my=300; float mxa=512; int ground = 1024; void setup() { size(1024,600,OPENGL); background(0); framerate(80); stroke(255,255,255); } void draw() { background(0); pushMatrix(); translate(0,height); rotateX(PI/2); fill(0,055,0); rect(0,0,ground,-ground); pushMatrix(); rotateX(PI/2); translate(768,0,256); fill(0,210,0); box(100,300,100); popMatrix(); pushMatrix(); rotateX(PI/2); translate(256,0,256); fill(0,110,0); box(100,300,100); popMatrix(); pushMatrix(); rotateX(PI/2); translate(768,0,768); fill(0,0,100); box(100,300,100); popMatrix(); pushMatrix(); rotateX(PI/2); translate(256,0,768); fill(100,0,0); box(100,300,100); popMatrix(); popMatrix(); if(keyPressed && keyCode==UP)f+=3; if(keyPressed && keyCode==DOWN)f-=3; if(keyPressed && keyCode==LEFT)mx+=3; if(keyPressed && keyCode==RIGHT)mx-=3; if(mousePressed) { beginCamera(); camera(mx, my, f, mx, my,2000, 0, 1, 0); if(mouseButton == RIGHT)a=a+0.02; if(mouseButton == LEFT)a=a-0.02; rotateY(a); endCamera(); } else { beginCamera(); camera(mx, my, f, mx, my,2000, 0, 1, 0); rotateY(a); endCamera(); } } Now the problem is about walking in direction I am looking at. It always walks in the same direction, no matter where camera is looking. I was thinking to rotate coordinate system so Z axis rotates with a camera, if you know what I mean. Well, have a look, its easy to understand once you look at it running. Thanks for your help in advance.