I updated my Billboard work to allow any object in space to be oriented towards the camera. This is useful for forcing text to always orient to the screen. This example draws a coordinate system. Rotate about the axes with the mouse; the labels will always face the camera. http://campbellhoge.us/cchoge/billboard/
import damkjer.ocd.*;
BillBoard billboard;
PFont font;
Camera camera1;
float rotX;
float rotY;
void setup()
size( 300, 300, P3D );
billboard = new BillBoard( (PGraphics3)(this.g) );
camera1 = new Camera( this, width/2, height/2, width, width/2, height/2, 0 );
rotX = 0.0;
rotY = 0.0;
font = loadFont( "Copperplate.vlw" );
textFont( font, 48 );
framerate( 15 );
void draw()
background( 0 );
translate( width/2, height/2 );
fill( 80, 200, 124 );
stroke( 255 );
box( 50 );
line( -50, 50, -50, 50, 50, -50 );
line( -50, 50, -50, -50, -50, -50 );
line( -50, 50, -50, -50, 50, 50 );
fill( 80, 124, 200 );
billboard.BeginBillboard(50, 50, -50);
text( "x", 0, 0 );
billboard.BeginBillboard(-50, -50, -50);
text( "y", 0, 0 );
billboard.BeginBillboard(-50, 50, 50 );
text( "z", 0, 0 );
// rotate the camera when the mouse is dragged
void mouseDragged()
rotY = mouseX - pmouseX;
rotX = mouseY - pmouseY;
camera1.circle( radians( rotY) );
camera1.arc( radians( rotX ) );
class BillBoard
PGraphics3 m_engine;
PMatrix m_inv;
// From setup() call billboard = new Billboard( (PGraphics3)(this.g));
BillBoard( PGraphics3 engine )
m_engine = engine;
// x, y, and z are the local coordinates of the object
// you want to billboard
void BeginBillboard( float x, float y, float z )
m_inv = m_engine.cameraInv;
float[] in = new float[4];
float[] out = new float[4];
in[0] = x; in[1] = y; in[2] = z; in[3] = 1;
m_engine.camera.mult( in,out );
applyMatrix( m_inv.m00, m_inv.m01, m_inv.m02, m_inv.m03,
m_inv.m10, m_inv.m11, m_inv.m12, m_inv.m13,
m_inv.m20, m_inv.m21, m_inv.m22, m_inv.m23,
m_inv.m30, m_inv.m31, m_inv.m32, m_inv.m33 );
translate( out[0], out[1], out[2] );
void EndBillboard()