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LED/dotted pixel effect (Read 2629 times)
Re: LED/dotted pixel effect
Reply #15 - Jun 12th, 2006, 6:38pm
hey seltar, basicly im having trouble with all of it ...im pretty handy in photoshop, illustrator, AE etc etc but never done any programming whatsoever so all the words and all the little symbols and layout is completely foreign to me ..with the code i just see a bunch of letters and numbers scrambled together but it has no meaning.

like i tried that code you just gave me and it gives me an error " expecting RPAREN, found ';' ". and i tried reading the code overview you gave but you lost me on the first paragraph. so my problem is probably that im lacking even basic understanding of programming. you guys are magicians to me.
Re: LED/dotted pixel effect
Reply #16 - Jun 12th, 2006, 7:03pm
lucid, if you're finding it hard to get started with Processing you may want to check out the very excellent Design By Numbers first.

From DBN's website:
"Design By Numbers was created for visual designers and artists as an introduction to computational design. It is the result of a continuing endeavor by Professor John Maeda to teach the “idea” of computation to designers and artists."

Re: LED/dotted pixel effect
Reply #17 - Jun 18th, 2006, 4:48am
hey cheers boyd, thanks for the link. i'm going to try that like you say and work my way up. il post any results if i get there. thanks for everyones help ..if anyone else gets any closer let me know Smiley
Re: LED/dotted pixel effect
Reply #18 - Jun 18th, 2006, 8:52am
No problem. I started out using DBN before Processing was around (or atleast before I knew of it). I had no real programming experience beforehand and I found it a good way to ease in.
DBN might seem limited at first but there's quite a lot you can do with it.

There is also a great book that was written to go along with it.
Re: LED/dotted pixel effect
Reply #19 - Jul 26th, 2006, 4:20am
i altered one of my video sketches to use ellipses that are scaled according to brightness. the sketch uses live video from the machine's default capture device. i left in the 3d functionality, which also maps the ellipses in to a 3d space based on brightness and mouse position along the x axis. i hope this helps. i'll be spending more time on this project next month and i'll be sure to let you know of anything related to your quest. good luck.

you can find the program and code here:

see a screenshot here:

and get a couple other sketches and code here:
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