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IndexDiscussionExhibition › elastic sides
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elastic sides (Read 1425 times)
elastic sides
Feb 5th, 2006, 3:00am
Heres something i made, and im very proud of it Smiley


heres the code:

int numberOfPoints = 4;
int maxPoints = 12;
int radius = 50;

boolean pointsVisible = true;
int global_size = 20;

punto voido = new punto(0, 0);
punto currentDragged = voido;

class punto {
 int x, y;
 punto (int _x, int _y) {
   x = _x;
   y = _y;
 void update (boolean visible) {
     ellipse(x, y, global_size, global_size);
   if(mousePressed && currentDragged==voido){
     if(int(sqrt(pow(mouseX-x, 2)+pow(mouseY-y, 2)))<global_size/2){
       currentDragged = this;
class dot {
 float xSpd=0, ySpd=0,x ,y;
 punto a, b;
 dot(punto uno, punto dos){
   a = uno;
   b = dos;
 void setInitialPos(){
 void update(){
   xSpd += ((a.x+b.x)/2-x)/20;
   ySpd += ((a.y+b.y)/2-y)/20;
   xSpd *= .92;
   ySpd *= .92;
   x += xSpd;
   y += ySpd;

void mouseDragged() {
 currentDragged.x = mouseX;
 currentDragged.y = mouseY;
void mouseReleased(){
 currentDragged = voido;
 if(mouseButton == CENTER){
 } else if(mouseButton == RIGHT) {

import processing.opengl.*;

punto[] puntos = new punto[maxPoints];
dot[] curvas = new dot[maxPoints];

void setup() {
 size(800, 600, OPENGL);
 float preRadian=TWO_PI/numberOfPoints;
 for(int index=0; index<maxPoints; index++){
   float radian=index*preRadian;
   puntos[index] = new punto (int(cos(radian)*radius+width/2), int(sin(radian)*radius+height/2));
 for(int index=0; index<maxPoints-1; index++){
   curvas[index] = new dot ();
 curvas[maxPoints-1] = new dot();

void reOrderCurves() {
 for(int index=0; index<numberOfPoints-1; index++){
   curvas[index].a = puntos[index];
   curvas[index].b = puntos[index+1];
 curvas[numberOfPoints-1].a = puntos[numberOfPoints-1];
 curvas[numberOfPoints-1].b = puntos[0];
int currentRadius = radius;
void keyPressed() {
 if(keyCode == ENTER){
   reOrderCircles(int(random(min(width, height)/2)));
 } else if(keyCode == 32){//code 32 == SPACE
   pointsVisible = ! pointsVisible;
 } else if(key == '-'){
   global_size=max(global_size-5, 5);
 } else if(key == '+'){
   global_size=min(global_size+5, 50);
 } else if(key == '<'){
   numberOfPoints=max(numberOfPoints-1, 2);
 } else if(key == '>'){
   numberOfPoints=min(numberOfPoints+1, maxPoints);
void reOrderCircles(int radius){
 currentRadius = radius;
 float preRadian=TWO_PI/numberOfPoints;
 for(int index=0; index<numberOfPoints; index++){
   float radian=index*preRadian;

void draw () {
 for(int index=0; index<numberOfPoints; index++){
   //beziers (beziers behind circles);
   bezier(curvas[index].a.x, curvas[index].a.y, curvas[index].x, curvas[index].y, curvas[index].x, curvas[index].y, curvas[index].b.x, curvas[index].b.y);
 for(int index=0; index<numberOfPoints; index++){
   //updates (circles in front of beziers);

 <H3>Creates a polygon, with draggable vertexs, whose sides are elastic.</H3>
 >        creates a new point for the polygon.
 <        removes a point.
 +        makes the draggable area of the points bigger.
 -        makes the draggable area smaller.
 SPACE    hides/shows the draggable area of the points.
 ENTER    resets the points (with a random radius).

plz, give me some feedback Wink
Re: elastic sides
Reply #1 - Feb 5th, 2006, 11:47am
Very nice Smiley
Re: elastic sides
Reply #2 - Feb 6th, 2006, 6:37pm
thankyou Smiley

¿any more feedback?
Re: elastic sides
Reply #3 - Feb 10th, 2006, 9:42am
nice work!
Try making a slingshot out of it, or perhaps add a tool where the user can add vertices, create his own stringy polygons or something.. add _more_ interactivty, and start playing with some 3d perhaps..?

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