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Populating a map based on population density (Read 445 times)
Populating a map based on population density
Jul 5th, 2006, 2:14am
I'm interested in taking a map and populating it with a fixed number of people, based on population density data. Effectively, I want to simulate drawing N names out of a hat, and sticking pins in each persons home town.

My initial thought is to randomly choose a location, and determine a probability (between 0 and 1) from the density, generate a random number between 0 and 1, and if the number is less than the probability populate the spot. If not, I move on. I'd stop when I've reached my N people.

An issue is how to normalize the probabilities. I could normalize it such that the sum of all probabilities is 1 (a person has a 100% chance of being somewhere), but all the probabilites would be very small and I'd get a lot of misses. I could normalize by the maximum density, but then the the big cities would always be populated if chosen. I could normalize by a mean density, but then I have to deal with probabilities greater than 1.

The simple test case is to imagine an 200x200 grid unit map with a flat population density. If I were to normalize by the sum of probabilities, each space would only have a 1/40000 chance of being accepted. But there is already a 1/40000 probability involved in randomly choosing the site, before I even think of accepting or not accepting the choice. I think this favours the normalize-by-maximum option, but I'm not sure.

Is there a more elegant way of doing this?
Re: Populating a map based on population density
Reply #1 - Jul 17th, 2006, 8:37pm
If I understand, here's a possible approach:  store cumulative probabilities in a lookup map.

Create an array of 40000 (200 x 200) floats to hold your a probability map.  Normalize your probabilites.  At each index of the probability map, store the cumulative probability so far.

Then to select a location, generate a random number 0..1, scan the table and find the last index where cumulative probability is less than target.  That index is then your cell location:  (x=idx%200, y=idx/200)

(linear scan of table could be optimized with binary search as grid size increases)

Pick a large enough sampling of such random numbers and you should get a distribution of locations corresponding to your original probabilities.
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