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IndexDiscussionExhibition › Logistic Equation Visualizer
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Logistic Equation Visualizer (Read 828 times)
Logistic Equation Visualizer
Jun 8th, 2006, 4:26am

I created this logistic equation visualizer as part of a class project this quarter, and would love to hear any feedback that people have.  I also wrote up a sort of guided tour through it to be used as a curriculum in a math classroom.  

It's all online (including links to source code) at

There is a known bug where if you zoom in and then animate, the red population graph writes over the bifurcation diagram up above.  I'm working on it Smiley

This was my first major project with processing and I really found the environment a joy to use.  I was reading on these boards about someone creating a general-purpose GUI library though, and that would be incredibly helpful I think.  Implementing the buttons was kind of a pain, though I found some code on the processing site that helped a lot.

Please feel free to comment, suggest, ridicule, etc.

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