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exporting problems (Read 1948 times)
exporting problems
May 2nd, 2005, 8:19pm

one more problem my file (using a .wav file, the sonia libary and the opengl libary). in the api it runs well and exporting it is no problem. but i can't see it in the browser. (i have allready read the other posts about exporting problems)..

i tested IE and firefox, i have installed the jsyn plugin, i have installed java 1.5, und processing 86. but all i get is a white rectangle....  Sad
the taskbar says: applet started...
any ideas?!

thx h4nni
Re: exporting problems
Reply #1 - May 2nd, 2005, 8:32pm
Any popup blockers active? Mine did exactly the same thing with Firefox but my IE has wrapped itself up in security protocol. It asks for a release to run anything, hence I never use it or install attachments.

If the link below doesn't run (my own "bang my head against the wall in fustration" test) I hazzard to think it's your computer and not your code.

Re: exporting problems
Reply #2 - May 2nd, 2005, 10:43pm
nope no popup blockers active. your link is working with my IE and my firefox. when i'm coping your code and exporting it with my api the applet isn't working. is it possible that there is anything i can do in the api?

"my applet": http://www.freewebs.com/mypixxx/applet/index.html

is this working with your browser? can you export the source with your api please...
Re: exporting problems
Reply #3 - May 2nd, 2005, 11:55pm

I think this post might help a bit.

Re: exporting problems
Reply #4 - May 3rd, 2005, 12:19am
i know about the opengl problem ...
so i work on eclipse (for better debugging) and there any other programm using opengl works.
the programm always terminates when it has to load the sample(test.wav)...is there a problem with trying opening .wav files? i add the external jars from the sonia libary to my project libary...
Re: exporting problems
Reply #5 - May 4th, 2005, 3:06pm
WIth the big changes to P85 and Java 1.5, i've also been noticing all sorts of export problems with Sonia. I'm now trying to figure out if it is specific to Sonia or a general problem with Libraries (or something to do with OpenGL).

Reply #6 - Feb 15th, 2006, 3:06pm
i've just finished to write down a sketch using sonia library to draw abstract paintings according to spectrum & volume characteristics of sound (received through internal microphone).

here is the url:

now, my problem is that when i export the sketch to Web and i try to load it with the browser (safari, firefox, mac explorer) it won't run.

the applet loading stops on the grants-allowing dialog box ("the applet is trying to access the microphone" ...)

but either if i click on "OK" or "DENY" the browser freeze.
and i have always to restart it...

- the library architecture seems to be ok
- i tried to include sonia.jar in the same folder of my sketch
- exporting to application seems to work correctly

what's wrong? can anyone help me please?
Re: exporting problems
Reply #7 - Feb 15th, 2006, 10:12pm
You will have to wait until the bug has been fixed, which was unfortunately introduced into Processing somewhere around v0085. The only solution to get Sonia sound input working at the moment is to use the good old Processing 0068.
Re: exporting problems
Reply #8 - Feb 16th, 2006, 11:59am
ok...i will try to export the sketches with v. alpha68

thank you mario..
Re: exporting problems
Reply #9 - Feb 18th, 2006, 9:11pm
the hanging thing is a bug that showed up in rev 91:
(and will be fixed someday..)

so rev 90 should work ok, we still have a handful of people using that release as a result. i'd strongly discourage using the alpha releases, we're not supporting them.
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