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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpSound,  Music Libraries › ESS find pitch and bass
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ESS find pitch and bass (Read 912 times)
ESS find pitch and bass
Nov 28th, 2005, 5:32pm
Hey, I'm trying to find the drum beats in a song and identify different notes in the melody of a song.  I have been using the spectrum[] example to try to find the drum beat.  Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks.  Dave

// Most Code used from an Example by Krister Olsson

import krister.Ess.*;

Channel myChannel;

void setup() {

 // start up Ess

 // load "hello.aiff" into a new Channel
 myChannel=new Channel("voyager3.mp3");

 // we want 256 frequency bands, so we pass 512

 // start the sound looping forever

void draw() {
 // load our spectrum
 // draw our frequency bars
 for (int i=0; i<256*2; i+=2) {
   float temp=max(0,180-myChannel.spectrum[i/2]*175);
   if(i == 2 && (temp+.5) < 140){  
     //kinda inconsistant - blinks with strong snare

// we are done, clean up Ess

public void stop() {
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