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FFT Question (Read 1587 times)
FFT Question
Jul 7th, 2005, 9:21pm
What is the sampling rate of the signal used to compute the FFT?  More specifically, if I were to create an FFT of 256 bins using Sonia's LiveInput - to what frequency would the 256th bin correspond?

Re: FFT Question
Reply #1 - Jul 8th, 2005, 4:52pm
So via trial and error, it's upwards of 20,000 Hz, so probably sampling at 44100 Hz.

The new question of the day, is there anyway to easily access the 70-400 Hz area of the spectrum with adequate seperation (256+ steps between them)  without having to create a spectrum with 16,000+ bins?  or perhaps a way to reduce the sampling rate...
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