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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpSound,  Music Libraries › Sonia limit on samples in memory
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Sonia limit on samples in memory? (Read 1655 times)
Sonia limit on samples in memory?
Apr 27th, 2005, 7:11pm
Basically I have 25 notes, each having multiple samples stored in an ArrayList. In total, I have 60 WAV files all around 50-60kb each. And when I play one of the sample it is heavily distorted, as if the play-speed is significantly lowered. Only one sample is being played at any given time.

I have a version where there is only one sound per note (25 samples), and that works perfectly fine. Is there some sort of limit on number of samples I can have in memory?

I'm using Processing 85 and Sonia 2.9
Re: Sonia limit on samples in memory?
Reply #1 - Apr 28th, 2005, 6:20am
i have not encountered this problem before. can you post up the project and souce for me to look at?
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