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IndexProcessing DevelopmentCore,  Processing Development Environment (PDE) › Installing Processing for PPC linux
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Installing Processing for PPC linux (Read 1973 times)
Installing Processing for PPC linux
Aug 8th, 2006, 1:09am
Ok I know I'm a low priority userbase but if anyone knows how to help me I'd really appreciate it.

I'm relatively new to processing and very new to Linux.
I've installed Ubuntu Linux (Dapper) and IBM's Java 1.4 on a Mac G4. Ok that's all good.

Now I'd like to run Processing.
I've read the FAQ as well as these threads.

I believe I have the correct version of Jikes and all necessary dependencies installed but if anyone can give me instructions for compiling jikes for my distro that would be handy.

So when I sysmlink to my current version of Jikes and run processing I get the following error

<pre>./processing: line 31: java/bin/java: cannot execute binary file</pre>

Could it be that I should somehow be telling Processing to use the ppc version of Java instead of the Java it comes packaged with? How do I do that?

Re: Installing Processing for PPC linux
Reply #1 - Aug 8th, 2006, 3:36am
jikes should just be a ./configure && make && make install and it'll work. you just have to symlink or copy the jikes binary to the p5 folder.

you should remove the 'java' subfolder, and then replace it with a symlink to the location of your java runtime (JRE) installation, so that the ./java/bin/java expected by the script will run it properly.
Re: Installing Processing for PPC linux
Reply #2 - Aug 8th, 2006, 8:14pm
Thanks! Removing the java folder and creating the symlink to my new jre worked.  Looks like the version of jikes recommended by the ubuntu package manager worked fine.
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