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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpPrograms › animation stopping
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animation stopping (Read 512 times)
animation stopping
Jun 14th, 2006, 2:44pm
Hello everyone,

I just started using procession and must say I am impressed. It looks very nice.

My first little movie is running into an error after a while.

The demo is online www.specialorder.be/extranet/data/0408/applet

I get an error on

     pixels[i] = aPixels[int((width*int(signal))+(i%width))];

Can anyone give me some advice on this?

I would also like to make animation full screen. Is that possible?

Great program!

Re: animation stopping
Reply #1 - Jun 14th, 2006, 3:10pm
I think you need to change:

if (signal > width-1 || signal < 0) {


if (signal > height-1 || signal < 0) {
Re: animation stopping
Reply #2 - Jun 14th, 2006, 6:54pm
Hey John,

Thanks! Fixed the problem!

Can I ask another question here or should I start another thread?

Is it possible to have the animation resize itself, so show 4 pixels for every one. So that is becomes bigger.

Just wondering!

Thanks for your support,

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