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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpPrograms › stupid angle problem
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stupid angle problem (Read 1042 times)
stupid angle problem
Jun 1st, 2006, 1:24am
i'm playing with a simple idea of a ship moving around in space ala "asteroids". the problem is, i can't remember how to calculate angles to make the ship accelerate in its forward direction. here's what i have so far... suggestions appreciated.

int top = 0;                     //top of window
int bottom = 400;                //bottom of window
int left = 0;                    //left of window
int right = 300;                 //right of window
float x = 150;                   //starting position x axis
float y = 200;                   //starting position y axis
float speed = 0;                 //speed of the ship
float drag = .98;                //amount of drag or friction on ship
float angle;

boolean[] keysPressed = new boolean[128];

void setup()
 size(300, 400);                //uh... window size

void draw()
 background(0);                 //background color

 translate(x, y);
 noFill();                      //no fill on the ship (wireframe)
 stroke(255);                   //color of wireframe
 beginShape(POLYGON);           //start of shape draw for ship
 vertex(-1, -4);
 vertex(1, -4);
 vertex(3, -6);
 vertex(3, -8);
 vertex(5, 2);
 vertex(7, 4);
 vertex(4, 7);
 vertex(1, 5);
 vertex(-1, 5);
 vertex(-4, 7);
 vertex(-7, 4);
 vertex(-5, 2);
 vertex(-3, -8);
 vertex(-3, -6);
 endShape();                    //end of shape draw for ship
 translate(x, y);

void keyPressed() {
 keysPressed[keyCode] = true;

void keyReleased() {
 keysPressed[keyCode] = false;

void move()
 y = y - speed;                
 speed = speed * drag;  

void wrap()
 if(y < top - 8){               //top screen test
   y = bottom + 8;              //wrap ship to bottom
 if(y > bottom + 8){            //bottom screen test
   y = top - 8;                 //wrap ship to top

void keyState()
   speed += .125;
   angle -= .0625;
   angle += .0625;

i know i only have the y axis set up for movement right now, but the angle calculation and how to apply it escapes me at the moment.
Re: stupid angle problem
Reply #1 - Jun 1st, 2006, 7:58am
use this in move(){}

x += sin(angle)*speed;
y += cos(angle)*speed;

Re: stupid angle problem
Reply #2 - Jun 1st, 2006, 9:28am
thanks a ton... that took care of most of it... now i just need to get it to coast in the original direction of acceleration regardless of angle until the ship accelerates again...

...if that makes any sense Smiley

it's late...
Re: stupid angle problem
Reply #3 - Jun 1st, 2006, 11:58am
Shouldn't that be

x += sin(angle)*speed;
y -= cos(angle)*speed;
Re: stupid angle problem
Reply #4 - Jun 1st, 2006, 6:49pm
fixed that already... still trying to get around the issue of the ship not moving in a direction until it's thrusting in that direction
Re: stupid angle problem
Reply #5 - Jun 1st, 2006, 7:21pm

float x = 150; //starting position x axis
float y = 200; //starting position y axis
float speed = 0; //speed of the ship
float drag = .994; //amount of drag or friction on ship
float mangle, fangle; //moving angle, floating angle

boolean[] keysPressed = new boolean[128];

void setup()
size(300, 400); //uh... window size

void draw()
background(0); //background color

translate(x, y);
rotate(fangle); //rotate the ship according to the floating angle
noFill(); //no fill on the ship (wireframe)
stroke(255); //color of wireframe
ship(); //drawing the ship
translate(x, y);

void ship()
beginShape(POLYGON); //start of shape draw for ship
vertex(-1, -4);
vertex(1, -4);
vertex(3, -6);
vertex(3, -8);
vertex(5, 2);
vertex(7, 4);
vertex(4, 7);
vertex(1, 5);
vertex(-1, 5);
vertex(-4, 7);
vertex(-7, 4);
vertex(-5, 2);
vertex(-3, -8);
vertex(-3, -6);
endShape(); //end of shape draw for ship

void keyPressed() {
keysPressed[keyCode] = true;

void keyReleased() {
keysPressed[keyCode] = false;

void move()
x += sin(mangle)*speed;
y -= cos(mangle)*speed;
speed = speed * drag;

void wrap()
if(y < - 8){ //top screen test
y = height + 8; //wrap ship to bottom
}else if(y > height + 8){ //bottom screen test
y = - 8; //wrap ship to top

if(x < - 8){ //left screen test
x = width + 8; //wrap ship to right
}else if(x > width + 8){ //right screen test
x = - 8; //wrap ship to left

void keyState()
speed += .125;
mangle = fangle; //set the moving angle to be what the floating angle is set to be
mangle -= .0625;
fangle = mangle; //if up is pressed, set floating angle to be mangle, so there's no twitching
fangle -= .0625;

mangle += .0625;
fangle = mangle; //if up is pressed, set floating angle to be mangle, so there's no twitching
fangle += .0625;
Re: stupid angle problem
Reply #6 - Jun 1st, 2006, 7:54pm
ah yes... thank you much! you've helped me get closer Smiley
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