Weight is a fantastic suggestion considering the fact I'm throwing particles out. Just a slight tweak to the standard traer.physic particle (all of which are 1.0 at the moment) will completely randomise the tree.
The modular aspect I think will come in very useful for the seed aspect. I considered these trees germinating fruit. An evolving identity for the nodes would be great.
I have considered a 3D model, perhaps using JohnG's cylinder class which I butchered but didn't get round to giving justice. The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants gives a list of symbols to use for 3D LSystems:
page 19:
The following symbols control turtle orientation in space (Figure 1.18):
+ Turn left by angle theta, using rotation matrix RU(theta).
- Turn right by angle theta, using rotation matrix RU(-theta).
& Pitch down by angle theta, using rotation matrix RL(theta).
^ Pitch up by angle theta, using rotation matrix RL(-theta).
\ Roll left by angle theta, using rotation matrix RH(theta).
/ Roll right by angle theta, using rotation matrix RH(-theta).
| Turn around, using rotation matrix RU(180).
Even if I don't get around to this on this project it's certainly food for thought.
Thank you for the suggestions Mflux and fjen, if anyone has any more I'd love to hear them.