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UDP library (Read 7417 times)
UDP library
Mar 16th, 2006, 12:01pm
Stephane Cousot and I are finalizing a library for UDP communication. It should be available in the next few days. I wanted to sound out here to get some feedback in case anyone has any special desires/suggestions.

Why a UDP library?

Here at the Aix-en-Provence art school, we have been experimenting for quite some time with a low-cost method for communicating with robots, circuits, small electronics, etc. via UDP. Jean-Pierre Mandon (http://www.pictec.org/) built us an interresting system that he calls PicoIP. He and France Cadet have already used his system, for example, during a workshop in January (http://www.picoip.net/idre/), and several students are starting projects using his system. As Processing is our primary graphics tool, we needed a way to communicate between Processing <-> PicoIP.

Neither Carnivore, nor MaxLink were open enough for our needs (at least as far as we could tell), so Stephane built a multi-purpose UDP library for Processing (and Java, by the way). His library includes simple UDP communication, as well as multicast support. As PicoIP is a fairly obscure project, we also wanted to open up the library for anyone else needing UDP support in their Processing project.

We will be posting the library at http://hypermedia.loeil.org/processing/ in the next couple of days.
Re: UDP library
Reply #1 - Mar 16th, 2006, 2:38pm
Excellent news!  Multicast, in particular, is an important part of the picture.

I've been thinking a lot about the relative openness of MaxLink recently, both in terms of source and platform.  Right now, it's using some utility classes from Max/MSP for networking, but I've been thinking about a more general implementation using OSC over UDP.

If there's interest, I'd be more than happy to make MaxLink an open source project, especially once I eliminate the dependency on Max libraries.

Thanks for your contribution!
Re: UDP library
Reply #2 - Mar 20th, 2006, 4:03pm
Ok, so we've got the libraries online at http://hypermedia.loeil.org/processing/. If you have the time, please kick the tires for us.

We'll be getting some examples online at the end of the week when the Atelier Hypermedia is next in session.
Re: UDP library
Reply #3 - Mar 21st, 2006, 2:12am
The download link seems to be broken at the moment. Should be http://hypermedia.loeil.org/processing/udp.zip, right?
Re: UDP library
Reply #4 - Apr 20th, 2006, 7:42pm
For what it's worth, I ran the library on a Mac, powerbook G4, OSX 10.4.6, Processing 113, and when I tried to enable broadcast, the library stopped working.  No datagrams would go  out, and none would come in.  However, when I sent to xxx.xxx.xxx.255, I could broadcast just fine.

Also, it'd be good to put the .jar file in a "library" directory inside the udp directory, so the whole thing can drop right into the Processing Libraries folder and work.  I had to create a library folder and move the .jar to get Processing to recognize it.

Thanks for a very nice library!

Re: UDP library
Reply #5 - Dec 1st, 2008, 3:23pm
The link is broken again! can somebody repair it?
or does anybody have the libary for my?
Re: UDP library
Reply #6 - Dec 2nd, 2008, 5:00am
please use the link from the libraries page under data/protocols to find the current download location of the UDP library.
Re: UDP library
Reply #7 - Jun 15th, 2009, 1:31pm
The library doesn't work well for me.
I call the listen() method but I only receive the first packet.
After the first packet is received, the UDP object stops listening.

See the thread I posted at:

(can't post the complete link because of ridiculous supposedly-anti-spam restriction of this forum; it obviously begins with processing dot org slash)

Is this a known bug or am I missing something
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