I wouldn't be in favour of a rating system, for a couple of reasons.
It would change the nature of the network links from "I made this" to "What do you think". I think a place for "I made this" is useful, and the place for "What do you think" is here.
It's totally appropriate to use this forum to start a discussion about your work - posting extra context for the processing community, letting people know how it was made, asking how it might be improved, etc.
Sites like
del.icio.us and
digg are great for finding out if people like your stuff, but they're hard to emulate.
Digg's system isn't positive only - the comments section is used to say 'no digg' fairly often. And the comments are generally inane and throwaway, not high quality criticism or general encouragement.
I think
CodeTree is better placed to do this sort of thing for small self-contained applets, and that bigger applets should be presented in a way that allows them to get feedback from the web at large.
Check out sites like
Data Is Nature,
Info Esthetics,
Interactive Architecture,
Pixel Sumo etc. Take a look at the work they're posting, and if yours is similar then let them know about it. Even
Boing Boing posts Processing sketches from time to time. And, of course, most of the contributors to
Processing Blogs are likely to pick up on things posted to the exhibition if they are worth talking about. Or you could add comments to your sketch page and get direct feedback there.
Further afield,
Technorati and
Ice Rocket are sometimes enlightening to find who's linking to your stuff, but they are very weblog-centric.