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big processing comunity? (Read 1973 times)
big processing comunity?
Feb 2nd, 2006, 4:30pm
Hi, is there a big processing comunity where i can sign up??
i want somewhere to upload my stuff and that people will comment them in a few hours...

for example, for actionscript and other web-oriented stuff, im in a forum called Kirupa.com.
there are always at least 30 people online, active, and willing to help (including me)...
(and theres always 100+ guests)

is there anything like it for processing? couse i've seen this forum is a lil bit *slow*... Tongue
Re: big processing comunity?
Reply #1 - Feb 2nd, 2006, 4:47pm
Hi, is there a big processing comunity where i can sign up??

Right now, this is it!

But people are watching.  Perhaps if you link to something and ask for feedback, you will get some Smiley

Rich Hauck's CodeTree will hopefully become a hosted version of what you describe: http://www.codetree.org

I keep an aggregator of Processing-related blogs at http://www.tom-carden.co.uk/processingblogs (which will soon have a new home at processingblogs.org).  If you have a weblog with an RSS/Atom feed I'd be happy to add it, and you might get comments/feedback from there.

Re: big processing comunity?
Reply #2 - Feb 2nd, 2006, 10:14pm
I've started a processing group at grou.ps. It's not big, I'm the only member at the time but cause I wanna check out these hip 2.0 beta dingsbums. Maybe you or some other will participate this group under http://grou.ps/processing/home
Re: big processing comunity?
Reply #3 - Feb 2nd, 2006, 11:33pm
I'm trying to get a community of sorts started on my site:


If the word gets out, maybe some traffic will start coming in.
Re: big processing comunity?
Reply #4 - Feb 2nd, 2006, 11:42pm
It seems to me that the majority of questions on the board are answered in a (very) timely fashion. In fact, I have trouble keeping up with the amount of good info flowing back and forth–and I check the boards a couple times a day.

One suggestion to all the instructors/students is to encourage your students/peers to participate. I may even make some board activity a requirement in my classes.  

We may not be big (yet), but we seem to cover a lot of conceptual, technical and aesthetic ground.
Re: big processing comunity?
Reply #5 - Feb 2nd, 2006, 11:48pm
Good link: http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?action=recent
Re: big processing comunity?
Reply #6 - Feb 3rd, 2006, 12:00am
Spending all of my time here, I had never seen the site Kirupa.com. The forums on that site are nothing special, but of course there is more volume (Flash has a huge, huge, base of users). The tutorials, however, are wonderful. I have two questions:

Question 1:
Would user submitted tutorials be useful for Processing?

I think they would and I think it would be a small effort to build the functionality seen on Kirupa. However, the continuing management and evaluation of tutorials is a tremendous amount of work that Ben and I can't manage with our core Processing responsibilities.

Question 2:
Should processing have a community site like the one now started here: http://grou.ps/processing/home

I think this should exist as a subdomain of Processing.org. Something like http://nodes.processing.org or http://people.processing.org. Again, Ben and I can't mangage this, but I'm willing to turn this subdomain over to the right person. I can see the "Programming Questions and Help" and "Topics and Contribution" section of this website moving there.

Tom has been generous and has Processing covered on the Blog front. The Processing.org del.icio.us tag seems reasonably healthy. Rich started codetree.org which is wonderful, but also different from a Processing community subdomain and tutorials.
Re: big processing comunity?
Reply #7 - Feb 3rd, 2006, 12:03am
what is this? http://grou.ps/

is it something processing.org should promote and link to. instead of a subdomain community, should we put all of our energy into promoting a community using this infrastructure?

Re: big processing comunity?
Reply #8 - Feb 3rd, 2006, 5:31am
if such sub-domain comunity happens someday,  be sure that i will be a very active user, and ill try to help people, make tutorials and stuff just as i do in Kirupa Smiley

(but dont expect too much from a 16 year old kid Tongue)
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