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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpSyntax Questions › Very first problem with Processing :(
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Very first problem with Processing :( (Read 7214 times)
Very first problem with Processing :(
Jan 10th, 2006, 2:52pm
Hello everyone !

I'm very new to Processing as i'm new here too.
I readed 2 big tutorials so now it's time to try my first own program Smiley

but as soon i started as soon i meet a problem i realy don't understand :/

I wrote a very simple one :


PImage pieddroit;
pieddroit = loadImage("pieddroit.gif");

void setup() {
 size(400, 400);

void draw()
 image(pieddroit, 50, 50, 30, 56):


But as soon i clikc on Play it give me an
"unexpected token:void"

uh ??
i can't understand it.
I didn't forget any {} or () so what's the problem ? when i look at working exemples it seem to me it's writent exactly that same no ? Sad

thx to help me Smiley

P.S :
btw... is there an irc channel about Processing to go to ask small and fast questions like this one ?
Re: Very first problem with Processing :(
Reply #1 - Jan 10th, 2006, 3:07pm
Oops... sorry i found by myself Tongue

It finally worked when i changed the "loadImage" line to put it in the Setup. Seem that the order is important.

anyway if someone have information about a IRC channel i'm still interested Smiley as i 'll probably have a new question to ask soon or later Wink

C you !
Re: Very first problem with Processing :(
Reply #2 - Jan 10th, 2006, 7:04pm
New problem Sad

I begin to think the Processing error detection is quite unclear :/
I have a new "unexpected token" error but it really don't explain what's the problem is about.

So here is the new problem... my program was working few time ago but i added some new lines and now i have an
unexpected token : if

Here is my program (it's far from be finished) :

// Traces de pas sur le parcours de la souris

PImage pieddroit;
int num = 60;                           // Nombre de prises de positions de la souris
int nPd = 6;
int incr = 0;
float mx[] = new float[num];
float my[] = new float[num];
float cPx[] = new float[nPd];
float cPy[] = new float[nPd];
float posxPD, posyPD, wP, hP, xD, yD, angle;

void setup() {
 size(400, 400);
 pieddroit = loadImage("pieddroit.gif");
 wP = 30;
 hP = 56;

void draw()

 for(int i=1; i<num; i++) {           // Décalage les valeurs de l'array mx et my
   mx[i-1] = mx[i];
   my[i-1] = my[i];

 mx[num-1] = mouseX;                 // Inscrit la position de la souris dans le tableau array
 my[num-1] = mouseY;

 xD = mx[num-1]-mx[num-5];           // Calcul de l'angle
 yD = my[num-1]-my[num-5];
 if (incr > 9) {
   incr = 0;
   cPx[nPd] = mx[num-1];
   cPy[nPd] = my[num-1];
   for(int i=1; i<nPd; i++) {        // Décale les valeurs de l'array CPx et cPy
       cPx[i-1] = cPx[i];
       cPy[i-1] = cPx[i];

 for(int i=0; i<nPd; i++) {         // Positionnne tous les pieds pour l'instant t
   translate(cPx[i], cPy[i]);
   image(pieddroit, -wP/2, -hP/2, wP, hP);

Thx for any help :/
Re: Very first problem with Processing :(
Reply #3 - Jan 10th, 2006, 7:14pm
I think this one is because there is no semicolon at the end of incr++ and so the compiler doesn't expect to suddenly hit an if. If you just make it "incr++;" it should work.
Re: Very first problem with Processing :(
Reply #4 - Jan 10th, 2006, 7:14pm
always, if the error isn't obviuos, check also the lines
before the error.

there is just missing a ";" in the line before the "if".
Re: Very first problem with Processing :(
Reply #5 - Jan 10th, 2006, 7:15pm
There's only one if in your code as far as I can see. And the statement above the if "incr++" needs to get a semicolon at the end.
So what java wants to tell you is that you can't put an if after a ++statement. You need to finish the statement with a semicolon.
Re: Very first problem with Processing :(
Reply #6 - Jan 10th, 2006, 9:06pm

How could i miss that ?? pffff

I'm sorry Tongue i readed all my lines many times and didn't see that. Shame on me :blush:

thanks a lot for all your answers that was so fast Wink
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