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Processing Book \ Tutorials (Read 8839 times)
Processing Book \ Tutorials
Nov 3rd, 2005, 10:22pm
You may or may not be wondering why I've not been around the website and board for the last 9 months. We've been working on a Processing Book and all of my attention has been going there. The original idea was to post the book in progress as the Tutorials section of the website. After working in this way for over a year, I realized it wasn't possible for me to develop material which worked well in both formats. I put the focus on the print publication and have now taken down the incomplete online tutorials. We'll be publishing portions of the book from the website closer to the publication date. I hope the book will be published Fall 2005 or Winter 2007.

This book is written for people without any experience or background programming computers and discusses programming in relation to the arts. It's a different approach from most introduction to computer programming texts.


Re: Processing Book \ Tutorials
Reply #1 - Nov 5th, 2005, 6:09am
I can't believe no one's replied yet to your news! I for one am really looking forward to your book, as well as the 1.0 release.  Thanks for committing yet more of your life to this important work.

I just got a Processing course approved for next semester, and there's been great interest-from all over campus, including numerous faculty asking to sit in. I'll also be teaching an actionscript course(for now), and a number of students are taking both; I'm really curious how this dynamic plays out. The AS course is a bit more applied art-oriented while the P class is more experimental. I'll have to figure out a way to have the 2 courses collide somehow.

My project is progressing, also at the expense of pretty much everything else. My deadline is approaching, which literally keeps me up at night, but it's for a good cause Wink  Fortunately my chair is supporting my brief cameos at dept events, meetings, etc.

Happy writing!!
Re: Processing Book \ Tutorials
Reply #2 - Nov 5th, 2005, 10:29pm
Thanks Ira! Sounds like our lives are similar right now. I'm really looking forward to reading your text and seeing how Processing fits in at Miami.
Re: Processing Book \ Tutorials
Reply #3 - Nov 7th, 2005, 6:49pm
Excellent. I'm really looking forward to seeing how the book turns out, and what its reception will be like; I feel like the world is long overdue something like this.
Re: Processing Book \ Tutorials
Reply #4 - Nov 7th, 2005, 9:16pm
This is good news, Casey. Keep us posted on the progress.

I would love to pitch a Processing course to the college that I teach at, and having a text would really help that.

Re: Processing Book \ Tutorials
Reply #5 - Nov 15th, 2005, 11:24am

I've just come across processing through various VJ sites and it has intrigued me greatly, but I am a complete idiot when it comes to programming (I'm a film editor). Until the Processing book is published is there a very basic O'Reilly or similar book on programming that anyone would particularly recommend, preferably one which is not language specific and could help a complete beginner like me get up to speed on the concepts and principles involved.
Thanks in advance
Re: Processing Book \ Tutorials
Reply #6 - Nov 18th, 2005, 10:05pm
Sweet. I'd definitely be interested in a book like this too, in all Reas colors. Thanks for the update.
Re: Processing Book \ Tutorials
Reply #7 - Dec 6th, 2005, 9:16pm
I am Rit Mishra from India.
I will look forward to have this book in the market so that i can learn this language. Right now i am not been able to explose myself to this language, as i dont have any prior knowledge in programing. (I am a visual designer and looking forward to have this language as my visualization tool)
Re: Processing Book \ Tutorials
Reply #8 - Dec 8th, 2005, 9:08am
Hey Rit,

just download Processing and get going Smiley There are loads of examples in there and we have a good collection of explained code on the site here. The forums will help for sure whenever you need help!
Re: Processing Book \ Tutorials
Reply #9 - Dec 11th, 2005, 12:23pm
hey casey, do you think the publishing of the book will coincide with the relase of the 1.0 of p5? Just because otherwise, a part general programming issues, it would be clearly too early since all the differences between releases.
Re: Processing Book \ Tutorials
Reply #10 - Dec 12th, 2005, 8:35am
the book covers the most basic elements of programming and processing and these elements will not change between now and 1.0.
Re: Processing Book \ Tutorials
Reply #11 - Dec 12th, 2005, 3:48pm
I am happy about the book/..

I ( maybe ) am a artist - I am not a great programmer...
But I do enjoy it.... It is the sort of art that I enjoy..
Re: Processing Book \ Tutorials
Reply #12 - Dec 14th, 2005, 10:00pm
REAS wrote on Nov 3rd, 2005, 10:22pm:
I hope the book will be published Fall 2005 or Winter 2007.

This book is written for people without any experience or background programming computers and discusses programming in relation to the arts. It's a different approach from most introduction to computer programming texts.

I just read the digest, Vol. 2, Issue 1 and--speaking of THAT book--this is just what I need. Considering waiting until spring 2007, crunching the hard way to learn processing on my own sounds more feasible than waiting for this book, which would be an essential and necessary tool for me. Unfortunately, I have found no real starting point so far to get into processing, nor do I have previous experiences in any programming language, except … err … BASIC Smiley

I'd love to bug you for a tutorial, but I already read those posts. So I guess, it's the hard way again … Sad right Aren't there documents of beginners workshops online somewhere
Re: Processing Book \ Tutorials
Reply #13 - Dec 14th, 2005, 11:39pm
The book is currently scheduled for a Spring 2007 release. We'll try and get some sample chapters online to help get people started with the software, but we can't release the entire book online. We just finished signing the contracts yesterday.
Re: Processing Book \ Tutorials
Reply #14 - Dec 16th, 2005, 12:12am
Fine, but is there anything else to read for the time being? Except for the bare reference?
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