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IndexProcessing DevelopmentCore,  Processing Development Environment (PDE) › is there anything like a z-order + draw-order
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is there anything like a z-order + draw-order (Read 1679 times)
is there anything like a z-order + draw-order
Oct 30th, 2005, 11:54am
What I mean is whether it is possible to have a z-order implementation taken into account that if two vertices are drawn at the same z, the one that has been drawn afterwards goes on top.

Any ideas?

As another solution is it possible to turn off the z-order for and then turn it back on with out reseting it?

Maybe my explanation is not good, since I don't have that much knowledge of the z-buffer thingy.

Re: is there anything like a z-order + draw-order
Reply #1 - Oct 31st, 2005, 11:34pm
using hint(NO_DEPTH_TEST) and unhint(NO_DEPTH_TEST) will shut off the zbuffer for PGraphics3 (P3D). OPENGL mode doesn't support this yet.

but things drawn at the same z should replace one another as you state (at least in PGraphics3.. maybe this is broken in OPENGL?)
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