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Processing 93 now posted (Read 1957 times)
Processing 93 now posted
Oct 14th, 2005, 7:13pm
lots of bug fixes with this release.. added some support for quicktime 7 on windows, but hopefully it doesn't break quicktime 6. post here (or better, file a bug report at processing.org/bugs) if you run into any trouble. if things seem to be going smoothly, i'll make this the "default" download within 24-48 hours..

ABOUT REV 0093 - 14 October 2005

First release in a while with lots of bug fixes for the video library
(QuickTime 7), OpenGL, and Jikes on Linux.

[ big fixes ]

- david mellis contributed some code to help prevent the editor from
 locking up when a lot of println() statements were used in a sketch.
 thank you! http://processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=19

- sometimes saving sketches or launching processing was really slow
 when sketchbook folders grew large, or thousands of frames from
 saveFrame() were in a sketch folder. this has been fixed.

- some Java 1.4 code snuck into the core library, breaking applets
 whenever Java 1.3 was in use (Firefox or IE on the Mac, for
 instance). this is now fixed.

- new version of jikes for linux which should prevent the library
 issues: http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=47

- basic support for QuickTime 7 is now included, if you have problems,
 please report them to the bugs database:
 Mac OS X: http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=172
 Windows: http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=171

- applications that use OpenGL should run better due to an update of
 the JOGL library.

[ other bits ]

- lots of additions to the FAQ and updates to dev.processing.org

- lots of help from fjen on improving the bugs database

- added a link to the FAQ from the Help menu

- added menu shortcut for "show sketch folder"

- faster blur code contributed by toxi, along with filter(ERODE)
 and filter(DILATE). thanks toxi!

- initial support for textMode(SHAPE), which will render fonts as
 triangulated vectors that will eventually allow for exporting vector
 text from OpenGL applications.

- PGraphics.save() no longer inserts the prefix to the applet folder,
 allowing it to be used for absolute paths. (use saveFrame() or the
 savePath() function if you want to save frames to the sketch

Re: Processing 93 now posted
Reply #1 - Oct 14th, 2005, 9:40pm
Hi Fry,

I just installed 0093, but haven't played with it enough yet.  I noticed that switching between OPENGL mode and P3D mode changes the font size.

The font size appears the correctly under P3D mode but under OPENGL its always a constant size regardless of how I set the size via textFont() function.

probabaly has something to do with the new way of drawing OPENGL fonts as triangulated vectors.  Do you think it's a bug or I'm supposed to set the font size with another command from now on.

i'm using textMode(MODEL).
Re: Processing 93 now posted
Reply #2 - Oct 14th, 2005, 9:48pm
hm, the triangulated text is not currently enabled, but probably something happened when i was adding the support for the triangulated text.. could you file a bug for this?
Re: Processing 93 now posted
Reply #3 - Oct 14th, 2005, 11:04pm
Sure thing, the bug (174) is filed here:

"0093 OPENGL font size is always constant"
Re: Processing 93 now posted
Reply #4 - Oct 14th, 2005, 11:36pm
great, thanks.. that's really helpful.
Re: Processing 93 now posted
Reply #5 - Oct 15th, 2005, 11:46am
Great news!

Thanks for keeping on pushing processing.
My processings were really really really slow (91, 92) opening up and saving and stuff, that is solved now and works liek a charm. Great.
Also the OpenGL improvements are very welcome.
Thanks at all who contributed!

Re: Processing 93 now posted
Reply #6 - Oct 24th, 2005, 6:01pm
Excellent my sketch I've been working on now works once exported Cheesy
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