sorry i didnt see them before. thanks
all this is quite interesting, do you know if anyone is doing any attempts or is working on direction to python or ruby?
I have been myself doing similar stuff to processing but based on python+opengl+pygame+wxpython. It has been running for couple of years, i am not great programmer so i learn on the way and it is a slow process. I was checking the procesing source to see that i had developed very similar technical solutions to what you have. I would be very interested on being involved in something like this python-processing integration but my technical skills might be not enought
![Smiley Smiley](yabbfiles/Templates/Forum/processing_one/smiley.gif)
As for teaching goes I preffer Python because not being perfect the experience of coding on it is quite rewarding for person who learns it. Processing is quite nice, clean and simple but maybe a bit too simple, and I think the gap between processing and java is still quite scary for a non programmer. I mean I think that there is an in between space not being covered. So studens that progress should jump into java and I think this is a long jump to do...
Maybe it could be good to develop a library that "bridges" between processing and java, i am considering doing this too. A kind of sprite engine that defines ready to use classes to draw primitives based on the drawing functions and receive events and maybe some kind of rendering stack. I have this kind of stuff implemented on my python graphics framework and I think it is nice that students can use this to learn procedural but also OOP in a simple way.
I guess some people has done this already for its own use.
humm ... interesting! thanks.