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"Responsive Type" Exhibition (Read 2808 times)
"Responsive Type" Exhibition
Aug 15th, 2005, 4:56pm
Hello All, We are a design team called Hudson-Powell based in London.

We are currently working on an exhibit to be shown in Sapporo (October) and Tokyo (November) Japan, called "Responsive Type" and are looking for help in developing the exhibit.

We would like to develop an applet for the exhibition using Processing, that creates a font in run time and responds to a set of variables.

Please find some information about the exhibition and us online at http://www.shift.jp.org/soso/051017/ & http://www.hudson-powell.com

The exhibition is non commercial therefore we can only cover costs (i.e. food and travel), but full credit will
obviously be given to whoever gets involved. We have been talking with Tom Carden, who will lend a hand when he can and do some problem solving.

If you think you might be interested in getting involved, please get in contact.

Many thanks, Jody & Luke

Re: "Responsive Type" Exhibition
Reply #1 - Aug 18th, 2005, 2:09am
I'll be in London around October. I'm pretty interested in this, since I do lots of processing nowadays. Let's keep in touch.

email: mflux at ucla dot edu
page: http://users.design.ucla.edu/~mflux
Re: "Responsive Type" Exhibition
Reply #2 - Aug 21st, 2005, 10:06pm
Are you the same jody that went to trowbridge college in 98? (I think it was 98, cant remember, year above me I think or am I lost????

Re: "Responsive Type" Exhibition
Reply #3 - Aug 22nd, 2005, 7:41pm
Hi Mariama, Most probably. Email me with: jody at hudson-powell dot com
Re: "Responsive Type" Exhibition
Reply #4 - Oct 18th, 2005, 5:35pm


Thanks to everyone who got involved and those who offered a helping hand throughout the projects development.

Responsive Type is now online and is currently being exhibited at the Soso gallery in Sapporo Japan.

The project has been built to be expandable, so please visit the site to find out more about the project framework and how to get involved. The easiest way to do this would be creating new 'styles' for the program, so please get in touch.

Responsive Type is scheduled for more exhibitions in Japan and in Europe, so the more people contributing the better.

Many Thanks, Luke & Jody - http://www.hudson-powell.com

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