Going through the Processing program folder, i see the jikes compiler. My question is: Is it possible to use the compiler via Editplus (or CMD in Windows) instead of the Processing editor, by passing the right flags/arguments ?
My speed of developing is way faster with Editplus since I am very much at home with it in Java and Actionscript. The ide for writing processing scripts is very basic and too clumsy to get used to
For eg, to compile & view java applets I would do the following in Editplus:
Step 1. Set up user tool to compile:
Command: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5\bin\javac.exe
Arguments: "$(FilePath)"
with capture output selected
This compiles the .java file into a .class applet and places the compiled .class file in the same folder as the .java file. I see the compiled confirmation in the editplus output window
Step 2. To view this compiled applet, a second user tool is set up like this:
Command: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5\bin\appletviewer.exe
with Close window on exit selected
This launches the applet viewer and I can see my work in the applet window.
The same is done for MTASC and I see the swf output via editplus. But so far I have not been able to do the same with Processing since I am not familiar with all the class path requirements of Processing. I see from the jikes -help that it needs the following:
-d (the directory where to write class files to )
-extdirs (location of zip/jar files with platform extensions)
-O (optimize byte code)
but I am not aware of what values to pass to these arguments??.. or for that matter, is jikes.exe the program that Processing uses to show the applet view when the "play" option is pressed in the Processing ide?
Your help is appreciated.
Thanks for your time