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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpIntegration › Hello - need help getting started
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Hello - need help getting started (Read 1094 times)
Hello - need help getting started
Jul 24th, 2005, 8:35am
Hello people,

Well, I'm most eager to get started with proccessing. My entry point is that I've done a lot of animated Swing UI components and found swing to be not very suitable for animation, mostly because it is too slow for fancy stuff (like rotating windows etc).

I tried using Java3D, but the setup time is way to long and the installation not suited for easy deployment. So I went looking for an alternative and stumbled across processing.

A peek into the message board revealed interresting threads about GUI components and all other topics. An alive library. Ok then. Let's get started!

But. Ah. How? I downloaded .91 and am able to execute the examples from within the scratchpad. But now I would like this all to be done from within Java. I would like to be able to use Processing as the GUI part of an application. But there is no example or tutorial on how. I assume that the paint dialect must be compiled somehow, or handed over to an interpreter...

I could of course disassemble one of the applets...
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