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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpPrograms › objLoader and video clash
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objLoader and video clash (Read 648 times)
objLoader and video clash
Jun 16th, 2005, 6:55am
Hi, I have worked on a couple of projects now where the video image wraps around a 3D object. This is kinda cool but not required.
The libraries used are objLoader, video and openGL

Here is some basic code:

import saito.objloader.*;
import processing.video.*;
import processing.opengl.*;
OBJModel model1, model2;

 Movie movie1;

 float w = 80.0;
 float h = 60.0;
 float d =  6.0;
 float s = 6.0;
  float a = 60.0;
  float b = 80.0;
  float c = 0.0;
 void setup()
 size(200, 200, OPENGL);
   movie1 = new Movie(this, "atGlens.mov");
   model1 = new OBJModel(this);

 void draw()
 // The model
 translate(a, b, c);
 // The video
  translate(a-(w/2), b-(h/2), 5);
  image(movie1, s/2, s/2, w-s, h-s);


No error msg's occur.
I had to alter the .mtl file since there were issues with the .obj and .mtl export files of Blender and Processing v90.
I am running OS X 10.3.8

Is this a universal malfunction, anyone know what's going on?
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