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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpPrograms › convert vectors to curve (bezier)
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convert vectors to curve (bezier) (Read 1377 times)
convert vectors to curve (bezier)
Jul 20th, 2005, 8:36pm
When I draw freehand on Illustrator or Flash, the points drawn are converted into a bezier curve.

I want to work on capturing paths. I would like to make this work more polished by having the option of applying this type of conversion to my paths.

I would like to know if anyone has any resources on the subject or if they have the algorithm to hand.

Thankyou for your time.
Re: convert vectors to curve (bezier)
Reply #1 - Jul 21st, 2005, 10:32am
I would also be interested in this algorithm.

I don't have the time right now to look for the algorithm, nor do I have internet at home. Next week I'm moving and I might find a lonely wifi connection floating in the air...

Re: convert vectors to curve (bezier)
Reply #2 - Jul 29th, 2005, 4:04pm
I have some info, though I'm afraid none of it is in Java.

In Javascript, I wrote this program, using Bezier curves. However, in order to shorten the code, it's slightly complex.

function spline (a, b, c, d) {
var i = Math.min(a.length, b.length, c.length, d.length), list = [];

list.unshift(function (A, B, C, D) {
return function (t) { return D + (t * (C + t * (B + (t * A)))); };
}(d[i] - 3 * c[i] + 3 * b[i] - a[i], 3 * c[i] - 6 * b[i] + 3 * a[i], 3 * b[i] - 3 * a[i], a[i]));

return list;

What that does is, for each dimension in the input vectors, create a spline function vector (a vector of functions, since in Javascript, you can assign functions to variables), which I can then use to generate the spline.

Some other links:
This one is openGL specific, but describes bezier curves in detail. You want cubic curves.
Another link, that describes the equations fairly well.

EDIT: Yay, I have more time to explain stuff now.

A bezier curve is a 1-dimensional function. This means, you give it a bunch of positions on a 1-dimensional line, and it will produce a function that smoothly goes along that line. To do this in 2 (or more) dimensions, to make a real curve, all you need to do is use a bezier function for the x axis and the y axis (and, possibly, a z axis as well).

Say you have 4 points, a, b, c, and d. In one dimension, then, a bezier function is given by:

f(t) = t^3 * e + t^2 * f + t * g + h, where:

e = d - 3c + 3b - a
f = 3c - 6b + 3a
g = 3b - 3a
h = a

That's in one dimension, so a, b, c, and d are each single numbers. Now, in two dimensions, you'll have (assuming you have points defined by ax, ay, bx, by, etc...):

x(t) = t^3 * e + t^2 * f + t * g + h
y(t) = t^3 * i + t^2 * j + t * k + l

e = dx - 3cx + 3bx - ax
f = 3cx - 6bx + 3ax
g = 3bx - 3ax
h = ax
i = dy - 3cy + 3by - ay
j = 3cy - 6by + 3ay
k = 3by - 3ay
l = ay

You can optimize the calulations a bit (as I did in my code -- sorry it's so obtuse), but you should simply be able to iterate along the defined functions for x and y and get your curve.

I hope that makes more sense!
Re: convert vectors to curve (bezier)
Reply #3 - Jul 29th, 2005, 4:12pm
check Graphics Gems I, "An Algorithm for Automatically Fitting Digitized Curves" by Schneider.

the gems site is at:

and c code can be seen here:
Re: convert vectors to curve (bezier)
Reply #4 - Jul 30th, 2005, 7:48pm

code for a different approach to the same problem can be found in the sources for inkscape - it does a pretty good job of fitting curves... (look in livarot)  



Re: convert vectors to curve (bezier)
Reply #5 - Aug 31st, 2005, 2:40pm
Thank you for the response. I wasn't aware of any comprehensive expanation of how beziers worked but that helped. I sat down and put a demo together to help me get my head around it.

Draggable [] anchor = new Draggable[2];
Draggable [] control = new Draggable[2];
float t = 0.0;
void setup(){
 anchor[0] = new Draggable (100,100,100,10,color(100,100,200),color(100,200,200),"rect");
 anchor[1] = new Draggable (300,300,0,10,color(100,100,200),color(100,200,200),"rect");
 control[0] = new Draggable (100,300,-100,10,color(100,100,200),color(100,200,200),"ellipse");
 control[1] = new Draggable (300,100,0,10,color(100,100,200),color(100,200,200),"ellipse");
void draw(){
 t = (t+0.01)%1.0;
 for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++){
class Draggable {
 int x,y,z,size,c1,c2;
 String mode;
 boolean locked = false;
 Draggable (int x, int y, int z, int size, color c1, color c2, String mode) {
   this.x = x;
   this.y = y;
   this.size = size;
   this.c1 = c1;
   this.c2 = c2;
   this.mode = mode;
 void draw(){
   if (locked || over()){
   if (mode == "rect"){
   if (mode == "ellipse"){
 void update(){
   if (over() && mousePressed){
     locked = true;
   if (locked){
     x = mouseX;
     y = mouseY;
   if (!mousePressed){
     locked = false;
   if (over() && keyPressed){
     case '-':
     case '_':
       z -= 2;
     case '=':
     case '+':
       z += 2;
 boolean over(){
   if (mouseX <= x+size && mouseX >= x-size && mouseY <= y+size && mouseY >= y-size){
     return true;
     return false;
float BezierPoint (float anchor0, float control0, float control1, float anchor1, float t) {
 float a = anchor1 - 3 * control1 + 3 * control0 - anchor0;
 float b = 3 * control1 - 6 * control0 + 3 * anchor0;
 float c = 3 * control0 - 3 * anchor0;
 float d = anchor0;
 return pow(t,3) * a + pow(t,2) * b + t * c + d;

I did a site search of inkscape (google - site:inkscape.org livarot) but couldn't find anything that was blatant anough for me to spot or understand.
I found the curve fitting algorithm in the graphics gems but it was a nine page hike of code so I've yet to sit down and pick through it. I also have forgotten what asterisks in front of variables mean in C. Hopefully if I just separate the functions into a flowchart on a big piece of paper it may start to make sense.

Thanks again for the feed back, if there is any more advice I am attentive.


I've cut up the list of code and taped all the individual functions together. I haven't the slightest clue what it does.

I don't have the intelligence or experience to tackle this. Sad
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