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multiple keys (Read 756 times)
multiple keys
Jun 30th, 2005, 5:36pm
I know there have been some threads regarding the subject, but couldn't quite find what I'm looking for.

I want to be able to do something when certain keys and key combination are pressed. Like, if A is pressed, do A(), if B is pressed do B(), and if both are pressed, do AB().
The problem is that whenever a second key is pressed, the first one becomes false, although I'm still pressing it. It's the same with "key" and "keyCode". I guess I need some kind of sniffer that doesn't get fooled by a second keypress ...

I looked here ( http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.3/docs/api/java/awt/event/KeyEvent.html )  but couldn't find what I need.

Any ideas ?
Re: multiple keys
Reply #1 - Jun 30th, 2005, 8:02pm
Check out:

It has a couple of methods to give you the information you want.
Re: multiple keys
Reply #2 - Jul 1st, 2005, 3:02pm
Yup, it was what I wanted. So, for the sake of sharing, here's what I did with it. I wan to control something with two sets of sensors on the floor. The problem was that somebody could step on two adjacent "keys" (the sensors are actually a keyboard board rewired) or step on a key and tap the other etc.

Anyway, here is my solution. You'll notice that almost everything is in pairs, that's because I have 2 sets of sensors.


String stringP1 = "1234567890-=";
String stringP2 = "qwertyuiop[]";
PFont font;
String st;
int[] keysPressed1 = new int[13];
int[] keysPressed2 = new int[13];
int num;

void setup(){

void draw(){
int temp1=0, temp2=0, tempNum=0;
for (int i=0;i<stringP1.length();i++) {
if (keysPressed1[i] != 0){
temp1 += keysPressed1[i];
if (tempNum>0) temp1 = temp1 / tempNum;

for (int i=0;i<stringP2.length();i++) {
if (keysPressed2[i] != 0){
temp2 +=keysPressed2[i];
if (tempNum>0) temp2 = temp2 / tempNum;

rect(temp2, height-10, 110, 10);
rect(temp1, 0, 110, 10);

void keyPressed() {
num = stringP1.indexOf(key);
st = str(key);
if (num >= 0) keysPressed1[num] = getValue(stringP1, st, 1, 540);

num = stringP2.indexOf(key);
st = str(key);
if (num >= 0) keysPressed2[num] = getValue(stringP2, st, 1, 540);

void keyReleased() {
num = stringP1.indexOf(key);
if (num >= 0) keysPressed1[num] = 0;

num = stringP2.indexOf(key);
if (num >= 0) keysPressed2[num] = 0;


void mousePressed(){

int getValue(String myString, String myKey, int mapMin, int mapMax){
float pos = myString.indexOf(myKey);
float maxPos = myString.length()-1;
return round( mapMin+(pos/maxPos)*(mapMax-mapMin) );
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