(Yes I love double post in multiple threads to draw attention, just incase future people don't know where to look in a forum.)
Heres the link to BlueJ IDE, we use it at university to learn java.
I was trying to get it to work with Processing, with limited success. I started by going to BlueJ > Preferences > Libraries - and added the Processing core.jar.
And I managed to get the Eclipse example working:
Code:import processing.core.*;
public class HelloP5 extends PApplet{
public void setup(){
size(200, 200);
public void draw(){
It compiled, and I ran the applet from BlueJ - it doesn't work in the applet viewer, but does work if you run it in a web browser.
However, I cannot get the applet to compile if the color variable is used. I get the error "
cannot resolve symbol - class color not found". This pretty much puts a dent in any normal processing work that I had planned involving color's.
Any suggestions welcome, I'm a bit stuck at the moment.