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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpPrograms › toggle normal buttontype on/off switcher
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toggle? normal buttontype? on/off switcher (Read 2253 times)
toggle? normal buttontype? on/off switcher
Jun 2nd, 2005, 2:55am
How can I code something like a normal on/off switcher?
I know now with the help of the kind people in this forum how to use the keys of my powerbook-keyboard, but I want to be able to use them like regular buttons. So when I push once the key 'a' then processing should do: blabla (A) and when I push it again it should do blabla (B) and then when I push it should do again the same like (A). I need this for communicating with SC3 via OSC.


void aaOscMessage() {
       OscMessage oscMsg = oscP5.newMsg("/windstop");

void abOscMessage() {
       OscMessage oscMsg = oscP5.newMsg("/windstop");

void keyPressed()
 case 's':
// here I need something .... Smiley if u push it the first time do
// if u push it the second time do
// set counter to Zero? So next time is again first time??

Re: toggle? normal buttontype? on/off switcher
Reply #1 - Jun 2nd, 2005, 3:44am
If I'm reading you right, you need a boolean switch? Something like this?


boolean button;


If that's the case, you can write a toggle function for a boolean like so:


boolean toggle(boolean b)
if(b) return false; else return true;
//using it would look like


Re: toggle? normal buttontype? on/off switcher
Reply #2 - Jun 2nd, 2005, 9:05am
Here's a way of programming a key toggle function using keyPressed() and released().


void draw() {

if(pause) {return;}

else {
do stuff....


boolean pause = false;
boolean ptoggle = false;

void keyPressed() {

if(key == 'p' && !ptoggle) {pause=!pause; ptoggle=true;}


void keyReleased() {

if(key == 'p') {ptoggle=false;}

Re: toggle? normal buttontype? on/off switcher
Reply #3 - Jun 2nd, 2005, 2:10pm
thank u for the answers!
But sorry mflux I dont understand this!
Where is the key Part and where is the "do blabla when A and do bla bla when B"-part? Or could u explain me how to use it?

also thanks to Mark Hill
But in this way it sends continiously OSC Messages to SC3 (because it is in the draw void, I suppose?)...

So the action has to be done just once.
I am looking for a way to programm this kind of thing:

push and release a key of ur pc/mac keyboard once (and/or for the first time)
then do this=A:  // just once
OscMessage oscMsg = oscP5.newMsg("/wind");

if u push and release the same key again
then do this=B: (not the same message) // just once
OscMessage oscMsg = oscP5.newMsg("/windstop");

if u push and release again then do A.

Re: toggle? normal buttontype? on/off switcher
Reply #4 - Jun 2nd, 2005, 4:17pm
Switching background on and off, with keyreleased:

boolean showbg = false;

void draw()
if(showbg) background(0);
else background(255);

void keyReleased()
case ' ':
if(showbg) showbg = false;
else if(!showbg) showbg = true;

off the top of my head, so might be some typos..
Re: toggle? normal buttontype? on/off switcher
Reply #5 - Jun 6th, 2005, 12:09pm
thank u all.
is it not possible to do it without the draw void?
I will try to code this in SC3 (=Supercollider) maybe.
thank u anyway.
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