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IndexSuggestions & BugsSoftware,  Documentation,  Website Suggestions › Presentation mode border colour
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Presentation mode border colour (Read 1395 times)
Presentation mode border colour
Jun 1st, 2005, 8:53pm
I've got a couple of projector projects on the case and the issue of the size of the project has come up. I could have scaled the thing down as far as 640,480 but I wind up with that grey border, and the graphics card won't scale the resolution down further than 800,600.

Is there a way to change the default border colour to black and get rid of the stop button so we can project sketches of strange size a little more professionally? Black coming from a projector won't show up and will give the illusion of projecting a custom rectangle. You might want only a portrait format projection for example.

Would it be a nice feature for a later version?
Re: Presentation mode border colour
Reply #1 - Jun 2nd, 2005, 4:35pm
you can change those colours by editing the file preferences.txt in the /lib folder. the default setting is:

run.present.bgcolor = #666666
run.present.stop.color = #cccccc

just use the setting below for black:

run.present.bgcolor = #000000
run.present.stop.color = #000000
Re: Presentation mode border colour
Reply #2 - Jun 3rd, 2005, 7:53pm
Err, it's not changing the colour of the stop button for some reason. I get the black border but I still see a grey stop. I've changed preferences in the lib folder as well as the one in application data (newbies should note application data is a hidden folder - that confused me and a demonstrator for a minute).

OS: Windows XP, processing.exe on E:

Am I an isolated case or is this a bug? I've only tested this out on one PC so far.
For Mac Users
Reply #3 - May 1st, 2007, 5:15pm
This thread was helpful, but the solution was slightly different for me. Mac users should only need to open ~(your home folder)/Library/Processing/preferences.txt and modify the two settings mentioned above. Be sure Processing is not running while you do this.

Works fine on Mac OS X 10.4, Processing 0124 Beta.
Re: Presentation mode border colour
Reply #4 - May 2nd, 2007, 2:07pm
right, the parent post was incorrect--you should never modify the file in "lib". that's why the top of the file reads:


# These are the default preferences. If you want to modify
# them directly, use the per-user local version of the file:

# Documents and Settings -> Application Data ->
# Processing -> preferences.txt (on windows)

# ~/Library -> Processing -> preferences.txt (on macosx)

# ~/.processing -> preferences.txt (on linux)

# You'll have problems running Processing if you incorrectly
# modify lines in this file.
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