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IndexSuggestions & BugsSoftware Bugs › Compiler error, please submit this code
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Compiler error, please submit this code (Read 860 times)
Compiler error, please submit this code
May 11th, 2005, 6:56am
Processing asks me to submit my code.

Okey Dokey. Here it is. This worked fine on ver 0086

import processing.net.*;

int data;
int dataIn;
Client client;
int firstFrame = 3120;
int currentFrame = 0;
int numFrames = 256;  // The number of frames in the animation
int frame = 0;
String filenum;
PImage[] images = new PImage[numFrames];
void setup()
 client = new Client(this, "", 10001);

and it hangs here. Error message is below.

/home/stinky/bin/processing/processing-0090/./jikes: symbol lookup error: /home/stinky/bin/processing/processing-0090/./jikes: undefined symbol: __dynamic_cast_2

/home/stinky/bin/processing/processing-0090/./jikes: symbol lookup error: /home/stinky/bin/processing/processing-0090/./jikes: undefined symbol: __dynamic_cast_2

/home/stinky/bin/processing/processing-0090/./jikes: symbol lookup error: /home/stinky/bin/processing/processing-0090/./jikes: undefined symbol: __dynamic_cast_2

/home/stinky/bin/processing/processing-0090/./jikes: symbol lookup error: /home/stinky/bin/processing/processing-0090/./jikes: undefined symbol: __dynamic_cast_2

Re: Compiler error, please submit this code
Reply #1 - May 11th, 2005, 10:07am
yep, it's a jikes problem.. the fix is listed under the linux part of the "processing won't start" heading:
perhaps needs to be moved back to the platforms/linux section. thanks for posting the code though, i'm gonna try and fix the linux version to test for this and warn the user.
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