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less performance on BETA? (Read 2180 times)
less performance on BETA?
Apr 21st, 2005, 11:45pm
While trying sketches from 0068 in 0085 i see, that most sketches work less good. things that went really smooth on the alpha now are jerking (is this the right phrase? hmm.. the frames are skipping...)

using windowsXP, JRE 1.4.2_06, high framerates, default rendering mode (java 2D i guess)
Re: less performance on BETA?
Reply #1 - Apr 21st, 2005, 11:58pm
Is goes using JAVA2D-rendering mode, which is fairly slower and skippier (on my machine). Referencing this article (http://processing.org/faq/bugs.html#issues), processing runs in JAVA2D mode.

When i use P3D, everything just went fine and speed is up there, but features like smooth() don't work. When trying to use P2D mode, just nothing happens exept showing background color. Is it possible, that the processing alpha ALWAYS goes with the external java renderer, even when not using external classes and stuff?
Re: less performance on BETA?
Reply #2 - Apr 24th, 2005, 9:58pm
I am seeing this too.

Nearly all the 0068 conversions I have completed at www.complexification.net/gallery run significantly slower in 0085 Beta.

Is this expected behavior?  What am I doing wrong?


Re: less performance on BETA?
Reply #3 - Apr 24th, 2005, 10:16pm
JAVA2D seems significantly slower than P3D.

The defailt in 95 is JAVA2D. Try adding P3D to the size line, e.g.

Re: less performance on BETA?
Reply #4 - Apr 24th, 2005, 10:30pm
sorry, missed this thread earlier this week...

for some tasks, JAVA2D will often be slower. the P2D renderer (my home-grown java 1.1 renderer) is much faster, however incomplete.. for instance, thick lines et al don't quite work. so we were concerned about "correctness" over speed that we didn't want to re-release the broken P2D until it could be made to visually match JAVA2D much better. if we released P2D in its current state, we'd wind up with a situation where exported applets would look very different on other machines (where did my anti-aliasing go? why do thick lines look like crap on my users' machines!)

it's a really high priority to fix and when i get time i'm gonna get P2D working again which will bring the speed back. you can also use P3D, which is closer to the old rendering engine, and that's still speedy.

the frame-skipping and flickering is a known bug, if you instead set a specific framerate, it should get back to normal. in fact, you may find that things are actually faster with JAVA2D once the framerate is set, because it seems to straighten out a threading issue that actually makes it slower.
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