Hello Robert,
yes it is possible that the detection dies because of too many lines per blob (the blob number is limited to 1000 for each instance of blobDetection , ie when max numbers of blobs is encountered, the loop breaks, may be it would be good to let user set this parameter).
Each blob has a stack of 2000 lines allocated at the beginning, and the algo didn't check for overflow when running. I've quickly patched this , setting up the number to 4000 and checking for out of bounds. In this case, I think that it would lead to a 'truncated blob' as it stops. May be it would be good to have another better strategy there (ie allocate some more memory to let the detection finish for that blob).
Thanks for having pointed this out! I've uploaded a new version online :
Hope it will work as expected!
For loadPixels/updatePixels, there is no reason to let them there.
I will update sourcecodes too on the tutorial page. Thanks for the tip!