It's a Golan Levin (Messa Di Voce) Jared Tarbell (Box Fitting) Angela Bulloch type piece. The idea is that viewers will interrupt a blank projection and see mouths emerge and boxes rise up based on the darkness of pixels. (I had to change the code to read the distance to the mouse as PGraphics2 was being a git.) I also hope to have microphone disturbances push the colour selection round. When the boxes rise off screen their parameters are written to file.
//screenCount, x location, size, colour
record[recCount] = scrCount+","+b[i].x+","+b[i].size+","+b[i].c;
if (recCount == 20000){
System.arraycopy(record, 0, saveBlock, 0, 20000);
saveStrings("log"+(++saveCount)+".txt", saveBlock);
if (recCount == 0){
System.arraycopy(record, 20000, saveBlock, 0, 20000);
saveStrings("log"+(++saveCount)+".txt", saveBlock);
recCount = (recCount+1)%record.length;
So viewer interaction with the piece creates one great long ticker tape spew of colourful boxes.
Problem is... I ran the program for a minute and it chucked 14 300k files into the sketch folder. Screen count goes up forever, x location is limited to a possible 20 locations (the number of emitters), size goes upto 10 or 20 and colour has 256 values. I could turn the latter values into bytes, but I don't know about the screen count.