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Processing 0086 Released (Read 3483 times)
Processing 0086 Released
May 2nd, 2005, 7:38am
ABOUT REV 0086 - 1 may 2005

fixes for a couple major bugs in the beta release.

[ large ]

- "Save As" bugs fixed, along with some others found in "Rename"

- fixed an error that caused applets to require Java 1.3

- camera should no longer be backwards

[ medium ]

- fixed the smashed text in the preferences window

- saveFrame() fixed once again

- color() wasn't properly changing with colorMode(HSB)

- Linux: serial and net libraries weren't included in the last release

- fix to make the environment run on Mac OS X 10.2

- caret and scroll position is now saved when switching tabs

[ small ]

- fov on camera() changed to use radians

- lookat() has been removed, because its functionality is
 duplicated by camera().

- no longer throws an error with beginShape/endShape calls
 that have no vertex() calls in-between

- added an error for people who try to use textMode(RIGHT)

- updated the Windows and Linux downloads to include Java 1.4.2_07

- removed requirement that fink be installed before building on the mac

- lots of changes to the faq
Re: Processing 0086 Released
Reply #1 - May 2nd, 2005, 10:02pm
Could we Mac OS 10.4 users get it as a .zip or .dmg file? StuffIt (which is responsible for decompressing .sitx files) is not Tiger compatible yet.
Re: Processing 0086 Released
Reply #2 - May 3rd, 2005, 12:27am
oh *that's* what stuffit does! Wink

the latest 9.0.1 doesn't work?

i know that the upgrade will disable an old version and require a reinstall, but i haven't been able to find anything about it being incompatible (no mention on apple's tiger-themed web page above?)

tho i would expect deluxe versions older than 9 (or even 9 as well) to be broken because of all the kext changes in tiger. i'd be surprised if expander didn't work at all tho, no?
Re: Processing 0086 Released
Reply #3 - May 3rd, 2005, 2:55am
Hm, installing Standard again made StuffIt Deluxe work again. Funny.
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