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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpPrograms › experience in commercial printing vector files
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experience in commercial printing vector files? (Read 1248 times)
experience in commercial printing vector files?
Apr 30th, 2005, 10:24am

First of all, I didn't know where to put this question; I guess I miss the "general processing discussion" - so it ended up here.

I'm doing a series of sketches with vector drawings, and they need to be printed by the low cost el-cheapo, black and white alphagraphics style roll paper printer.

I'm converting the vectors to pdf; each file contain about 150,000 lines (they're not polygons, just lines).

Does anyone has experience in commercial printing? What are the data limits for postscript? I can hit a button and make the 150,000 become 150,000,000,000 - so I'm pretty much limitless - but would I achieve nuclear fusion at the printer RIP system?

I don't want any Alphagraphics employee saying bad things about my mother, so...
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