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serial crashes jikes (Read 3836 times)
serial crashes jikes
Apr 25th, 2005, 6:21pm
thought i posted this last night, but i can't find the post, so i'll repost.  sorry if this is a duplication.

the serial library is crashing jikes (v0085, PC, winXP).  importing the library is fine, but once i try to access it (for example, declaring a Serial instance), i get a message that says jikes.exe cannot continue.  this code will do it:


import processing.serial.*;
Serial port;

void setup () {
 size(200, 200);

void draw () {}

strangely tho, i am now on a different PC and this works fine.  i'll see if i can figure out where the difference lies...

i did have a serial device and a couple of usb devices (other than mouse and keyboard) plugged in, but removing, restarting, and trying again yielded the same crash.
Re: serial crashes jikes
Reply #1 - Apr 29th, 2005, 7:11pm
hm, i'm not sure i even know where to start with this one... is anyone else having the same problem?

what sort of message comes up? is it in the processing console or is it a windows error dialog that pops up?

have you tried just re-downloading and re-installing processing? have you made sure that there aren't any crusty versions of the serial library (or the rxtx .far files or DLLs) elsewhere in your path?
Re: serial crashes jikes
Reply #2 - May 4th, 2005, 6:34am
it's a windows dialog.
i just tried again with v0087, same issue.  i'm using the complete download, so the serial library should be up-to-date.

tom igoe sez he thinks it may be an issue with old files (rxtx perhaps), but i'm not really sure where to look to check...?

i'll see if i can dig anything up, in the meantime, anyone else with this problem?
Re: serial crashes jikes
Reply #3 - May 15th, 2005, 11:14pm
so now this exact same problem is happening on my computer at work.  i think the problem has to do with the current java version, since i didn't have this problem earlier and have since upgraded to Java 1.5, and also saw that jikes v1.20 is not fully compatible with Java 1.5.  i don't believe anything else of note has happened on this system since it was working properly, save for a couple of processing version upgrades (serial/jikes were working about a week ago).

i tried downgrading, but it didn't seem to make a difference, jikes still crashes.  i also tried to run a simple Serial sketch on other machines (win XP, 2000) both before and after installing Java 1.5, and it didn't seem to make a difference.

so maybe java version has nothing to do with it.  hmm...
Re: serial crashes jikes
Reply #4 - May 16th, 2005, 2:32am
ack.  i take it back.  the other XP machine that i installed java 1.5 on is now not working either.

it was working just a few minutes ago, then suddenly decided to start with the jikes errors.  this is crazy...
Re: serial crashes jikes
Reply #5 - May 16th, 2005, 2:36am
what do you mean by crash? what does the error message actually say?
Re: serial crashes jikes
Reply #6 - May 16th, 2005, 5:44am
windows dialog pops up:

jikes.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close.  We are sorry for the inconvenience.

...send bug report to microsoft, etc etc...

click on 'To see what data this error report contains, click here':

AppName: jikes.exe       AppVer:       ModName: jikes.exe
ModVer:       Offset: 001f230f

the error report content is a huge trace, starting with "Module 1 - jikes.exe", including "Module 2 - ntdll.dll", "Module 3 - kernel32.dll", "Module 4 - msvcrt.dll", etc.  i can grab the log and send it, if you think that would help.

there are still more computers in the office, i'll keep going thru em until serial works on none of them or i can isolate the problem.
Re: serial crashes jikes
Reply #7 - May 16th, 2005, 6:42am
okay.  i think i found it.

there was, in fact, a sketch that i was using that had an old serial library in its data folder.  this somehow corrupted/overwrote the serial library in every new sketch i made.

so when you first asked me to look for crusty serial libraries, i did, and found nothing, because the sketches that i was testing were not the ones with the bad stuff in the path.

but after wrecking serial on a few more computers, i realized that what wrecked it was that one sketch.  to fix them was easy enough, tho -- i removed those sketches from my sketchbook and reinstalled processing, and everything's back to normal.

so this all leaves me with two questions:
one, what *exactly* is processing's (non-sketch-specific) classpath?  is it written anywhere in preferences.txt? (i couldn't find it in there...)
and two, how could my import libraries, applied to all new sketches, have gotten overwritten by a crusty data folder in just one old sketch?

anyway.  glad to be done with this, thanks for bearing with me.

Re: serial crashes jikes
Reply #8 - May 16th, 2005, 10:58pm
not sure why it would be looking inside a data folder, so i'll have to check into that.

off the top of my head, the classpath should be 1) all "library" subfolders inside either the processing folder or your sketchbook folder, 2) the code folder of the current sketch, 3) the classpath as set by an environment variable in the operating system.

edit: perhaps you could zip up and post a copy of the offending sketch, so that i can see what it's doing?
Re: serial crashes jikes
Reply #9 - May 17th, 2005, 5:22am
here ya go...

just tested and this is definitely the problem.
in particular, i narrowed it down to the serial.jar file; if the path 'serial/library/serial.jar' exists (with the serial.jar file in the above-posted file) anywhere in the sketchbook path, it causes the jikes crash.

note, a processing restart is not (usually?) necessary after adding or removing the file from the path, processing seems to be grabbing it compile-time, not when it builds the sketchbook directory at startup.

um, i think this serial.jar is from, i dunno, version 68?  can't remember exactly, it was about a year ago, mid-may.
Re: serial crashes jikes
Reply #10 - May 17th, 2005, 5:31am
oh, it's because it's inside a valid library folder.

so long as the stuff is buried inside library/libraryname/libraryname.jar, then processing is gonna think that's a library (because it is), and add it to the classpath.

there's no way of working around that because we need to be able to support folders within folders inside sketches. i suppose we could not walk down inside sketches to pull libraries, but that seems dangerous and maybe bug-prone.
Re: serial crashes jikes
Reply #11 - May 17th, 2005, 7:27am
well, prolly not much of a concern, especially as the further we get from the first beta, the less and less likely it will be that people will have any serial files sitting around from alpha.

and if they do, there's this thread.  sweet.
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