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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpPrograms › tracking time while typing
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tracking time while typing (Read 2876 times)
tracking time while typing
Apr 20th, 2005, 8:23pm
dylan178 wrote on Apr 16th, 2005, 9:53pm:
i'm looking for a little help. i'm a graphic design student and for the pasts weeks i have been trying to use processing to create a program that will:

1. keep track of the speed in which a person types and based on that speed (and more importantly the pauses between thoughts, words and letters) display the text accordingly.
- if i type at a very even and consistent pace the text will look like this.

- i f    i      t y p     e         at   a n     un  e      ven        pa ce       th      e      te   xt   will    loo    k    mo   re   lik    e   thi    s.

basically i want to adjust to the letter-spacing of a document based on the elapsed time between thoughts.

2. in addition, or as a variation on it's own, i want to use this same time element to effect the percentage of black (0-100%) in the letterform.  

- the more even you type the lower the percentage of black. (the thought being that these words are less deliberated over.)

- the more considered words are and the longer they take to formulate the darker the letterform.

3. finally, i'd like this program to be able to function in the "background" of other applications - mostly email apps.  as a tracking device. this way, i can compare the two: what i typed vs. what i really typed... most revealing.

does anybody have an any existing code (or one that can easily be tweaked) that you would consider sending me to achieve these results

i appreciate any help,

Re: tracking time while typing
Reply #1 - Apr 20th, 2005, 8:24pm
Ricard wrote on Apr 18th, 2005, 10:47am:
Hi dylan,

I think it's a very good idea!!!  I would like to add another variation, that would be to give each word a different color (maybe alternate between to different colors each time the spacebar is pressed) in order to separate words and thoughts.

I will try to look at the coding of this when I get home this afternoon.  I think it's very interesting.


PS: I think that integrating it with email writing and others will be hard with Processing, since it cannot act as a daemon/service that I know of.  But it would be an interesting thing to program in C++ or other.

Re: tracking time while typing
Reply #2 - Apr 20th, 2005, 8:25pm
Ricard wrote on Apr 18th, 2005, 2:08pm:
Hi again,

here is a bit of code that does the trick.
I really enjoy your idea and I'm going to develop this bit of code a bit further in order to visualize the thinking time in different ways.  If you want, I will put the variations in this forum.  Let me know, otherwise I'll just keep them to me, after all it's your idea.


BFont f;
TypeTracker tf;
int leftmargin = 20;
int rightmargin = 20;
int topmargin = 40;
int bottommargin = 20;

float now;
float horizPos=0, vertPos=0;
float coeffSpace=0.05;
float coeffScale=0.005;
float coeffColor=0.05;

void setup()
 size(500, 500);


 // load the font. fonts are located within the
 // main Processing directory/folder and they
 // must be placed within the data directory
 // of your sketch for them to load
 f = loadFont("Univers66.vlw.gz");
 textFont(f, 24);

 // Store the cursor rectangle's position
 horizPos = leftmargin;
 vertPos = topmargin;
 rect(horizPos, vertPos, 10, 21);
 // create the class TypeTracker
 tf = new TypeTracker();

 // white type, black background

void loop()

void keyPressed()
 if ((key >= 0x20 && key <= 0x7e)||(key ==8 )||(key==10))
   float dt=millis()-now;

class TypeTracker{
 String texts="";
 float delays[];
 int index=0;
   delays = new float[1000];
 void draw(){
     translate(horizPos,vertPos);  // place the cursor at the beginning of the text display field
     //scale(25.0f);                 // scale the text
     char k;
     float horizAdv=0,vertAdv=0,scaling=1.0;
     boolean beginLine=true;
     for(int i=0;i<texts.length();i++){
       k = texts.charAt(i);

 void addChar(char k,float dt){
   if(k == char(8)) // special case for Backspace
       texts=texts.substring(0,texts.length() - 1);
     texts=texts + k;

Re: tracking time while typing
Reply #3 - Apr 20th, 2005, 8:39pm
hi ricard! i can't thank you enough.
the code works awesome!
thank you!!!

two questions i had were:
- is there anyway to incorporate an actual <keyboard return> to generate a line break?


- concerning the actual length of space vs. line break. as is, if i type word and wait a few seconds the largest space is only specific to that line. is there any way to tweak it so that if i wait say 2 mins. the next letter i type will appear 5-6 line breaks below? taking into account the line break?

as for the variations - that would be awesome (the more the better - feel free to post). will be great to see where we can get.

i myself have two in mind:
1. the first was to effect the percentages of black in a letter based on the elapsed time. (i've attached this code at the bottom - you can see what limited program knowledge i have). this is very similar to what you suggested as a variation and i'd love to see the effects of the whole word incorporating the space bar.

2. the second more difficult idea was to incorporate the 'blinking' of the curser. what i mean by this is: the length in which the words are visible (flashing and holding on and off the screen) depends again on the elpased time before being type. words that are typed rapidly 'flash' quickly while words that took time to consider hold there positions much longer. i think the effect could really be interesting in providing a quick, revealing overview of a document - something of a no bullshit summary.

3. i have a additional thought on tracking the use of the delete key. what i propose is that everytime the a letterform is deleted, when the user resumes typing the color changes while still incorporating the the percentage of that color based on the pauses. etc...

agian, i appreciate any time you can give and would love to see what you come up with.


BFont f;
TypeTracker tf;
int leftmargin = 20;
int rightmargin = 20;
int topmargin = 40;
int bottommargin = 20;

float now;
float horizPos=0, vertPos=0;
float coeffSpace=0.05;
float coeffScale=0.005;
float coeffColor=0.05;

void setup()
 size(600, 800);


 // load the font. fonts are located within the
 // main Processing directory/folder and they
 // must be placed within the data directory
 // of your sketch for them to load
 f = loadFont("Univers65.vlw.gz");
 textFont(f, 27);

 // Store the cursor rectangle's position
 horizPos = leftmargin;
 vertPos = topmargin;
 rect(horizPos, vertPos, 10, 21);

 // create the class TypeTracker
 tf = new TypeTracker();

 // white type, black background

void loop()

void keyPressed()
 if ((key >= 0x20 && key <= 0x7e)||(key ==8 )||(key==10))
   float dt=millis()-now;

class TypeTracker{
 String texts="";
 float delays[];
 int index=0;

   delays = new float;

 void draw(){
   translate(horizPos,vertPos);  // place the cursor at the beginning of the text display field
   //scale(25.0f);       // scale the text

   char k;
   float horizAdv=0,vertAdv=0,scaling=1.0;
   float horizNoSpcAdv=0;

   boolean beginLine=true;

   for(int i=0;i<texts.length();i++){
     k = texts.charAt(i);


       // delays
       // println(delays);





   void addChar(char k,float dt){
     if(k == char(8)) // special case for Backspace
         texts=texts.substring(0,texts.length() - 1);
       texts=texts + k;

Re: tracking time while typing
Reply #4 - Apr 21st, 2005, 12:42am
On the subject of "newLine" (key == 10) which you encounter a lot in Perl:

print("hi there \n how is it going?");

Check this:

Re: tracking time while typing
Reply #5 - Apr 21st, 2005, 2:02pm
Hi there again,

The code is still quite messy.  But as soon as I get some free time I will try to work on it and simplify it.

This version allows to visualize:
- delay per letter -> spacing of letters
- word break -> space + change in color
- line break -> line break Wink

I will soon get it to change the alpha of letters and words, depending on the delay per letter and/or per word.

NOTE 1: this version will only work on version Processing BETA v85.  we must get on board!!  

NOTE 2: your programming knowledge isn't that bad, you understood pretty well where the changes had to be made (and my code is bad, with no comments at all)!!


PFont f;
TypeTracker tf;
int leftmargin = 20;
int rightmargin = 20;
int topmargin = 40;
int bottommargin = 20;

float now;
float horizPos=0, vertPos=0;

float coeffAdv = 0.05;
float coeffScl = 0.005;
float coeffCol = 255;
float coeffAlp = 0.002;

boolean flagAdv = false;
boolean flagCol = false;
boolean flagAlp = false;

float fontSize=24;

void setup()
size(500, 500);

// load the font. fonts are located within the
// main Processing directory/folder and they
// must be placed within the data directory
// of your sketch for them to load
f = loadFont("Univers66.vlw.gz");
textFont(f, fontSize);

// Store the cursor rectangle's position
horizPos = leftmargin;
vertPos = topmargin;
rect(horizPos, vertPos, 10, 21);

// create the class TypeTracker
tf = new TypeTracker();

// white type, black background

void draw()

void keyPressed()
if ((key >= 0x20 && key <= 0x7e)||(key ==8 )||(key==10))
float dt=millis()-now;

class TypeTracker{
String texts="";
float delays[];
float delaysWords[];
int index=0;
int indexOfLastSpace=0;
int indexOfSecondLastSpace=0;

color[] colors={color(120,0,0),color(0,120,0)};

delays = new float[1000];
delaysWords = new float[1000];

void draw(){
translate(horizPos,vertPos); // place the cursor at the beginning of the text display field
//scale(25.0f); // scale the text

char k;
float horizMax=0,horizAdv=0,vertAdv=0,scaling=1.0,adv=0;
int wordbreaks=0,linebreaks=0;
color letterColor=0;
float wordAlpha=0;

for(int i=0;i<texts.length();i++){
k = texts.charAt(i);

float coefficient;

case 10:


case 32:









void addChar(char k,float dt){
if(k == char(8)) // special case for Backspace
texts=texts.substring(0,texts.length() - 1);
if((k == char(32))||(k == char(10))){ // special case for Space (Calculate the word delay)
float avgDelay=0.0;
int indexOfLastLinebreak=texts.lastIndexOf(10);
int indexOfLastSpace=texts.lastIndexOf(32);

// calculate the average delay per word
int indexOfLastCut=max(indexOfLastSpace,indexOfLastLinebreak);
for(int i=indexOfLastCut+1;i<=index;i++){

texts=texts + k;
Re: tracking time while typing
Reply #6 - Apr 21st, 2005, 2:04pm
Oh I forgot!!!

Use the CONTROL key, between weird and normal, jejeje
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