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Topic: Why Processing? Advantages, Technology? Help (Read 1169 times) |
Why Processing? Advantages, Technology? Help
« on: Oct 5th, 2004, 12:43pm » |
Hi, I am new to Processing, and came across Processing while doing research on modelling and simulation of Artificial Life. I was hoping maybe someone would be kind enough to pin point advantages of Processing when it comes to modelling and simulation. Lets say there are number of books on the same topic using Mathematica as a environment/lang to model AL. So why choose Processing? What is so special about when it comes to simulation? EG. Motion, Response etc. Libraries, Engines used. Thanks a lot in Advance.
Re: Why Processing? Advantages, Technology? Help
« Reply #1 on: Oct 5th, 2004, 2:00pm » |
Processing's main advantages are accessibility for newbies, a friendly visualisation library, a friendly interaction library, it's decently fast, it can publish on the web, it can use existing Java code. I don't know much about Mathematica, but I expect its main advantages are to do with scientific precision, and post-simulation data analysis. The sketchbook metaphor around Processing is a good one - it's great for trying things out, and prototyping new ideas. It's not really aimed at scientific simulation, but you might like to use it to visualise and illustrate your simulation, or to quickly try out some simulation ideas.